[meteorite-list] large metal detector opinions wanted

From: PolandMET <marcin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 19:08:59 +0200
Message-ID: <002201c78c13$691e5010$0300000a_at_polandmezrd5i9>

> Has anyone used one of these larger coils from IGK? The price seems really
> good for a 3.3 ft square coil. Any others??
> http://www.igkelectronics.com/metal_detector_PI_PI907.html
> Thanks,
> Matt

Very interesting page Matt.

But I have question if someone have any experience with Garett GTI 2500 with
two-box for iron meteorites hunt?

I dont know what to buy for myself. Good for me will be something that can
work like normall detector with small round coils and also with large coils.
For personal hunting it is more confortable (You can search in bush, high
grass). There afre few detectors with deep search coils two-box coils like
Garett TDI 2500 or Whites TM 808 or Fisher Gemini 3, but only Garett can be
transformed into normal detector.

Anyone have any experience ?

---[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
http://www.Meteoryt.net marcin at meteoryt.net
http://www.PolandMET.com marcin at polandmet.com
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com GSM +48(607)535 195
--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
Received on Tue 01 May 2007 01:08:59 PM PDT

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