[meteorite-list] FW: AUCTIONS ENDING SOON... About 90+ Some real bargins!

From: michael cottingham <mikewren_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 07:38:57 -0600
Message-ID: <200705010740715.SM01804_at_yourfsyly0jtwn>

From: michael cottingham [mailto:mikewren at gilanet.com]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 9:11 PM
To: 'michael cottingham'
Subject: AD: AUCTIONS ENDING SOON... About 90+ Some real bargins!

Hello Everyone

I have 90 Auctions ending today and there are some real deals to be found

Go to:

http://stores.ebay.com/Voyage-Botanica-Natural-History? and click on

or check these out

A new and beautiful H5, NWA 4475. What is special about these are the fact
that I am offering Large slices that are beautifully finished and they are
starting out at $1.00 per gram!? Here is one example and there are about 20


and so many more
many still at 0.99 cents!

Thanks and Best Wishes

Michael Cottingham
Received on Tue 01 May 2007 09:38:57 AM PDT

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