[meteorite-list] Dramatic regmaglypted 1.3 kg Sikhote Alin individual - AD

From: info at niger-meteorite-recon.de <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 18:55:23 +0100
Message-ID: <23803323.43611172685323003.JavaMail.servlet_at_kundenserver>

Dear aficionados of the extraordinary,

after six years looking for an appropriate Sikhote upgrade for our collection we finally succeeded to acquire an exquisite 3.7kg individual. Every rose has its thorn which is in this case that we will have to part with one of our centerpieces to refinance the deal - at least partly.

Up for sale is a 1.345 kg Sikhote Alin individual with the most distinct regmaglypts, pristine dull black wuestite-magnetite oxide fusion crust and a stunning array of flow lines all over the specimen. The meteorite was chosen to illustrate the article on meteorites in the German Wikipedia and has been published on numerous websites covering the subject.

As we truly prefer the meteorite to stay within ?the family? we take the chance to offer it here on the list first, although this dramatic specimen might fetch a considerably higher price on ebay.

Any offer approaching 1600 USD will be considered, the first offer above this amount will be accepted. Insured airmail shipping to the US is included.

Please ask for a photographic walk around the meteorite off list if interest. We will gladly provide photos and description.

Thank you for your time and your interest

Kind regards

Svend Buhl

Received on Wed 28 Feb 2007 12:55:23 PM PST

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