[meteorite-list] Peppered Mammoth tusks

From: E.P. Grondine <epgrondine_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:50:41 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <576340.59836.qm_at_web36904.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Hi all -

First off, West was looking for bones from the comet
impact of 10,900 BCE, and found the peppered tusks.
When radiocarbon dated these tusks turned out to be
from 31,000 BCE, and not from the 10,900 BCE comet

Second, there is no terrestrial process that accounts
for the isotopes found in the iron pellets.

Third, this was not the airburst of an iron. Were
molten iron droplets reported at Sikote Ailin?

Fourth, this was not the entry of small irons. A field
of droplets from the entry of small irons has never
been reported to my knowledge, so I'm pretty sure the
physics of it precludes it. These droplets appear to
be larger than the micro-meteorites collected from
gutters and pans, and they were red hot when they hit
the bones.

Fifth, as far as crushing bones goes, we don't know
the penetrative force required for molten iron
droplets. No comparative work has been done on modern
cattle bones, and this will require the use of a
magnetic accelerator, not a shotgun.

Sixth, only limited work has been done on the droplet
field around Barringer Crater, so we don't know the
distribution of droplets and blast force that occurred
there. In the mammoth tusk case, I think that the
pellets followed a ballistic trajectory, not a linear

No mention was made of where these mammoth tusks came
from. I think there's a fossil field of irons out
there waiting to be recovered. A big one.

Seventh, note again the large spikes in the radio
calibration curve. Spikes at 10,900 BCE (comet),
31,000 BCE (iron); there is a third spike around
44,000 BCE. I wonder if this last might be related to
the Barringer impact.

Could large impacts release neutrons regardless of the
type of impactor? Or is there some extra-solar
process, say the impact of an iron with a neutron
star, which might send material and neutrons our way,
including material from the Oort Cloud? What accounts
for this increased C14? Impacts from the same debris
stream with our Sun? Nothing reported there that I
know of.

You know, its strange to me. Most here are focused on
this "smaller" iron impact and the peppered tusks,
instead of on the comet impact which killed about 90%
of the people living in North America at the time.
Most died due to hunger. But then, there's not likely
to be any strewn field from that, and nothing to trade
except impactites.

Good hunting,
E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas
and "Amazing Stories"

PS - Where I was raised, "Oh Christ" is not considered
blasphemy - it is usually used in exasperation. Thus I
had a tough time understanding those who so vocally
complained about my post "Oh Christ ... what the hell
is this". My apologies to those I offended.

Exasperation is expressed by "Aiyee!" in Shawnee.

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Received on Sat 15 Dec 2007 12:50:41 PM PST

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