[meteorite-list] Ensisheim 2007 info
From: ensoramanda <ensoramanda_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 22:23:16 +0100 Message-ID: <462A80C4.8010801_at_ntlworld.com> Hi, Just investigating going to Ensisheim this year and wondered if anyone had any extra tips, recommendations, timetables of events, must sees etc that would help a first timer...in addition to the info below. Graham Ensor, nr Barwell UK Zelimir.Gabelica at uha.fr wrote: > Dear List, > > The circular describing the 8th international meteorite show ? > Ensisheim 2007 ? is ready. You can find it at the following web site > (from next Monday April 16 on): > http://meteorite.ensisheim.free > I can also provide the circular (in English or French) by mail, on > request. > > The main characteristics/changes/warnings? of the 2007 editions are > (among) the following: > > Dates: > June 16 and 17, 2007 (week-end preceding the St Marie mineral show). > Friday 15 is the ?dealers day?. > > 2007 theme: > Meteorites: weird shapes, internal beauties. > Illustrated by a dual lecture on Saturday by Z. Gabelica (?odd > morphologies??) & R. Warin (?Thin sections: open windows to > cosmology?) as well as by the usual permanent thematic exhibit: > ?meteorite samples involving unusual external shapes and strange > sections? from private collections?? > (btw: we still need samples for display. Please contact me off list). > Alain Carion will exhibit in a side-window of the museum, in preview, > a fragment of the new French meteorite ?Saint-Ouen-en-Champagne?. > This is our ?wild card?? > > On Sunday, Nico Mettler (Winterthur, CH) will describe his recent > 1000+ km expedition through the Great Sand Sea desert (Lybia-Egypt) > in search for Lybian Desert Glass (LDG) samples, through a lecture > entitled ?LDG: a quest for an enigma?. > The Regency walls will be decorated by original drawings of our young > artists, featuring ?Meteorite hunting in hot deserts? (a contest). > > Friday PARTY: > As in 2006 a dinner-party (absolutely unavoidable!) is again > scheduled on Friday June 15 (from 19:00) at ?La Couronne? hotel, in > their outside resort (as in 2006, we have asked the weather to > co-operate...). > Party can end any time. > Two special meals are proposed, 25 euro, everything included, except > beverage (hey, if beverage were included, bankrupt of ?La Couronne? > guaranteed!). > Everybody (organizers, dealers, close friends, ?loose? friends, > relatives, related?) attending (or not) the enthroning ceremonies and > the ?friendly drink? that follows (Friday late afternoon, about > 18:00), is welcome! > Fun guaranteed! (Ask the 70+ last year participants!). > And ask for a wake-up call if you don?t want to miss the start of the > ?meteorite hot rush? the next morning? > > Other meals: > Saturday and Sunday lunches (served at ?La Couronne?) and the > Saturday dinner (traditional ?roasted wild boar? served on the main > ?dancing? square) will now be prepared by the team of cooks from ?La > Couronne?. Friendly prices (17.5 euro for a complete menu) were > negotiated. > If you want the special vintage ?Ensisheim-Meteorite 1492? Pinot Gris > to accompany your meals, it can be permanently available at its tag > price. > > The Guardians Confraternity is still permanently providing all other > traditional snacks, including the very popular ?tarte flamb?e? > (alsacian pie), all served outside, on the main square (or inside the > sun-protected tent, - rain is neither invited nor envisaged). > All the other activities on the main square (beer, wine sale, beer, > tee shirts, beer?) are maintained. > > Accomodation: > Besides the 3 traditional hotels (Couronne, Niemerich, Cheval Blanc), > the brand new hotel ?Le Domaine du Moulin? is now open. It has the > ?La Couronne? standard (4 stars) and is as close to the "Regency" > (200 m ? or more, depending on how thirsty you were during the > parties?). > I haven?t visited it yet but heard that a double room, breakfast > included, costs around 70-75 euro, a reasonable price even with the > stronger euro). > > 5 new ?brothers?. > This year, Anne Black (US), Reiner Bartoschewitz (D, Gifhorn > organizer) & wife, Alex Seidel (D) and Serge Neunlist (F, our > university president and?new meteorite lover) will become the new > Guardians. > (Gosh, I have the feeling having forgotten someone?) > > What is maintained in 2007: > Table prices, entrance fee (4 euro for adults), table number (limited > to 55) and their positions in rooms, reservation procedure (just > write me!) and contacts. Also?Marcin?s cutting saw on the main square. > And the FUNNY (crazy ?) characteristic and ever smiling ambience, of > course! > > What is not maintained: > Just meteorites sold in 2006. > Thus much, much new and hot (or cold!) stuff! I bet some of the > beauties to be offered are yet to be found?.We expect a great 2007 > ?vintage?! > > Ensisheim meteorite repositories: > My recently updated compilation of Ensisheim meteorite repositories > will be distributed to all participants. > (hey, it is more than time to provide me the kilos you have hidden in > your collection!) > > Warning: > Many people did already reserve their tables by mail. I will now be > starting compiling their requests and finalize their places. > HOWEVER, as I had several periods of mail troubles, may I ask > everyone who did already reserve a table in the past, to CONFIRM > THEIR RESERVATION (mail) once again from now on ? > This is easier for me to handle, and safer for you. > > We still have free tables. I recommend you don?t reserve too late! > And our former guests who did not yet send their traditional ?hello?, > are urgently requested to confirm (or cancel) their wish to keep > their usual tables at their favourite place. > > Web sites: > You note that a new private web site (see above) was just created (a > couple of days ago). The site of ?ville-ensisheim?, still mentioned > on the circular, will again be fully operating soon. > Very soon also you may find all the info related to the 2007 show at > the web site of Nick Gessler (UCLA), with whom close contacts are > maintained. > > Memories: > My strong wish is to dedicate this 2007 edition to those people who > recently had health problems that perturbed their meteorite passion. > Here I mean Joel Schiff, Walter (and Rebekah) Branch, Iris Lang, > Walter Zeitschel and a few others (I have not here my complete list). > I hope our thoughts will help them to recover even more promptly. > And I also wish we all bear in our memories the late Rolf B?hler, > outstanding meteorite lover and personal friend of many of us, me > included. Rolf deceased 2 years ago but the sad news just came a few > weeks ago?. > > Well, that?s about all folks. > There is much more to be said but I prefer you now ask specific > questions. > > My last wish is that Ensisheim, just as all the other, at least as > famous shows or events closely or subtly related to our beloved > meteorites (Gifhorn, Tucson, Santa Mesa, Munich, Ste Marie?.) bring > to all of us again passion, fun, > meteorite faith (Ruben, Sonny?never loose it!) and friendship (you > want my secret, though probably completely unrealistic dream ?...it > is to see Mike and Mateo drinking a beer together one year in > Ensisheim?...even if not at the same table!). > > Best wishes, > > Zelimir > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > Received on Sat 21 Apr 2007 05:23:16 PM PDT |
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