[meteorite-list] Re: Two Swiss IMCA membership applications
From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Sep 6 18:09:26 2006 Message-ID: <037401c6d1ca$1c19f520$6401a8c0_at_c1720188a> I vote yes for both. Adam ----- Original Message ----- From: Jeff Kuyken To: trifid_at_timewarp.de ; i@imca.cc Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 7:20 AM Subject: Re: Two Swiss IMCA membership applications Howdy. Well if both Peter and Norbert are the reccomending members then I will vote yes also. However, the precedent was set long ago and members CAN NOT choose their own numbers. Cheers, Jeff ----- Original Message ----- From: Norbert Classen To: i_at_imca.cc Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 11:13 PM Subject: AW: Two Swiss IMCA membership applications Peter, and All, These are fantastic news, and since I know both, J?rgen and Marc, I can only say that both will be great assets to our Association. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to recommend both of them, myself. That being said: I vote YES for Marc Jost, and I vote YES for Juergen Nauber. All the best, Norbert PS: and yes, let Juergen have his magic number if it's still free... -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: Peter Marmet [mailto:p.marmet_at_mysunrise.ch] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. September 2006 14:47 An: i_at_imca.cc Betreff: Two Swiss IMCA membership applications Hi All, I'm happy to anounce that two Swiss meteorite aficionados would like to become IMCA members! Marc Jost and J?rgen Nauber of JNMC Zurich: MARC JOST (recommendation P. Marmet) Marc Jost is the finder of the famous Twannberg II mass in the attic of an old house. I know Marc for many years and he's a very kind, honest and reliable friend and a very passionate meteorite collector. He does a lot of cutting, polishing and etching and is a real expert regarding iron meteorites. And the best of all: He doesn't mind which IMCA number he will get:-)! JURGEN NAUBER (recommendation P. Marmet) For many of you J?rgen Nauber and especially his huge high class collection is already known. He was one of the very first to collect meteorites and is today one of the leading amateur experts towards meteorites. All his meteorites are high class and expertly cared for and documented in every detail. He knows from every single of his hundreds of specimen exactly every possible info. He is a longstanding member of the MetSoc and absolutely honest, fair and friendly. I think we need people like him in our association! The only small "problem" is that he - like his very good friend Alex Seidl IMCA 0042 is "absolutely crazy" about figures. He is very kindly asking the Board members to show mercy and to allow him to get the magic number 4284! Please find more details below: Cheers, Peter > - Name > Jost Marc > > - Address > Hauptstrasse 24 , 2555 Br?gg , Switzerland > > - E-mail address (NO 'info_at___' addresses, please) > spacejewels_at_bluewin.ch > > - The names of two or more members who would recommend you > Peter Marmet, IMCA 2747, Hanno Strufe, IMCA 4267 > > - eBay user name if you buy or sell on eBay (has to do with use of > the logo) > joma968 > > - optional: how long you have been collecting > since 2001 > - optional: your favorite dealers/sources > ebay,fairs > - optional: your favorite types/locations of meteorites > Irons, Earth > > - preferred: phone number (for official IMCA use only - not public) > just in case > 0041 32 384 35 29 > > - IMPORTANT: Please indicate that you have read and agree to abide > by the terms of the IMCA Code of Ethics and ByLaws. > Yes I have and agree! Recommendation of Hanno Strufe: hiermit m?chte ich offiziell mitteilen, da? ich Marc Jost Hauptstrasse 24 CH - 2555 Br?gg Schweiz als k?nftiges neues Mitglied der IMCA empfehlen m?chte. Wir kennen uns bereits mehrere Jahre und ich kann best?tigen da? er ausreichend Kenntnisse ?ber Meteorite und deren Drumherum hat und differenzieren kann was nicht dazugeh?rt. Es w?rde mich freuen wenn er bald seine eigene IMCA-Nummer erhalten w?rde. Beste Gr??e Hanno Strufe Langenbergstrasse 32 D - 66954 Pirmasens Germany Translation: Herewith I'd like to officially tell the Board, that I recommend Marc Jost as a future member of IMCA. We know each other for many years and I confirm that he has a good knowledge regarding meteorites and things related to meteorites. I would be pleased if he had his own IMCA membership number soon. Best regards, Hanno Strufe 2. J?rgen Nauber. - Name J?RGEN NAUBER (JNMC or jnmczurich) - Address P.O.BOX 615, CH-8052 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND - E-mail address (NO 'info_at___' addresses, please) juergen.nauber_at_srtechnics.com - The names of two or more members who would recommend you Peter Marmet, IMCA 2747, Hannno Strufe, IMCA 4267 - eBay user name if you buy or sell on eBay (has to do with use of the logo) NOT KNOWN YET BECAUSE OF NO INTERNET USE BEFORE SPRING 2007 - optional: how long you have been collecting SINCE 1984 - optional: your favorite dealers/sources VARIOUS DEALERS FROM USA AND EUROPE, HOWEVER I PREFER TO DEAL WITH MUSEUMS AND UNIVERSITIES - optional: your favorite types/locations of meteorites DISPLAY, HISTORIC, RARE TYPES - optional: and of course anything else you would like to tell us - preferred: phone number (for official IMCA use only - not public) just in case PH./TAPE RECORDER/FAX: +41-44-302-8638 - IMPORTANT: Please indicate that you have read and agree to abide by the terms of the IMCA Code of Ethics and ByLaws. CONFIRMED AND AGREED Fee per year: $ 20.00 IS OK FOR ME Recommendation of Hanno Strufe: hiermit m?chte ich offiziell mitteilen, da? ich J?rgen Nauber Postfach 615 CH - 8052 Z?rich Schweiz als k?nftiges neues Mitglied der IMCA empfehlen m?chte. Wir kennen uns bereits mehrere Jahre und ich kann best?tigen da? er ausreichend Kenntnisse ?ber Meteorite und deren Drumherum hat und differenzieren kann was nicht dazugeh?rt. Weiterhin ist er als langj?hriges Mitglied der Meteoritical Society vielen internationalen Wissenschaftler, Meteoritenh?ndlern und Sammlern ein Begriff f?r erstklassige Meteorite, sowohl in seiner Sammlung als auch beim Verkauf seines Materiales. Es w?rde mich freuen wenn er bald seine eigene IMCA-Nummer erhalten w?rde. Beste Gr??e Hanno Strufe Langenbergstrasse 32 D - 66954 Pirmasens Germany Translation: Herewith I'd like to officially tell the Board, that I recommend Marc Jost as a future member of IMCA. We know each other for many years and I confirm that he has a good knowledge regarding meteorites and things related to meteorites. Furthermore he is - as a longstanding member of the Meteoritical Society - well know among scientists, meteorite dealers and sellers for his first class meteorite specimen in his collection and for the top quality meteorites he sells. I would be pleased if he had his own IMCA membership number soon. Best regards, Hanno Strufe -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/attachments/20060906/58ab6143/attachment.htm Received on Wed 06 Sep 2006 11:35:39 AM PDT |
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