[meteorite-list] AD: Meteorite/Tektite Collection Pieces For Sale
From: Jason Phillips <jnbran_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Oct 20 10:23:51 2006 Message-ID: <4538DBD3.9040009_at_net66.com> Meteorite/Tektite Collection Pieces For Sale I am thinning out my collection and have a listing of pieces that I am going to sell. Most of these specimens have been in my personal collection for several years and represent falls and finds both historic and rare, as well as common material. Many of these specimens have old labels and many are unique because of characteristics or rarity. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Admire, Kansas Classification: Pallasite Weight: 4.2 grams Find: 1881 Description: Has a handwritten (by Nininger) American Meteorite Laboratory label in Riker mount. Very nice small stable specimen (#8.74 painted on numbers). Price: $200 Allende, Mexico Classification: CV3 Weight: 3 grams of dust Description: Dr. Kings dust samples in vial with all of his notes on the outside of where the specimen was collected, date, and location. This is a very rare and historic sample of meteorite history. Price: $100 Beaver, Oklahoma Classification: L5 Weight: 12.5 grams Description: Crusted part slice of a meteorite that was used as a jail door stop for many years. Price: $8/gram Bechar, Algeria Classification: L5 Weight: 8 grams Description: Beautiful matrix. Price: $6/gram Beeler, Kansas Classification: LL6 Weight: 13.4 grams Description: Nice looking and colorful part slice. Price: $20/gram Bensour, Morocco Classification: LL6 Weight: 24.5 grams Description: Very nice black 70% crusted stone. Great characteristics. Price: $10/gram Bledsoe, Texas Classification: H4 Weight: 3.46 grams Description: Nice specimen of a rare meteorite. Has the original Ward?s Natural Science label and is in a Riker Mount. Price: $35 Price: I also have two micro?s for $8 each with a copy of the label. Broken Hill, Australia Classification: L6 Weight: 10.4 grams Description: Great part slice with a interesting matrix. Price: $8/gram Camel Donga, Australia Classification: Eucrite Weight: 12 grams Description: Beautiful dark black stone with one broken face. Incredible specimen. Price: $30/gram Canyon Diablo, Arizona Classification: Iron Weight: Individuals up to 50 grams Description: Very nice characteristics. Price: $2/gram Dalgety Downs, Australia Classification: L4 Weight: 2.91 grams Description: Metal rich part slice. Price: $6/gram Delaware, Arkansas Classification: L4 Weight: 4.1 grams Description: Crusted part slice. Price: $5/gram Dhofar 933, Oman Classification: H4 Weight: 36.56 grams Main Mass Description: Polished endcut. Price: $2/gram Dimmitt, Texas Classification: H4 Weight: 255 grams Description: Very large complete crusted slice from the Monnig collection. Price: $2.25/gram Esquel, Argentina Classification: Pallasite Weight: 11 grams Description: The nicest slice small slice of Esquel I have ever seen. Very thin and translucent. Great metal to crystal ratio. In a Riker mount. Price: $40/gram Forrest b, Australia Classification: L6 Weight: 17 grams Description: Polished and crusted full slice from Bob Haag. Price: $7/gram Ghubara, Oman Classification: L5 Weight: 11.4 grams Description: Crusted full slice with great chondrules. Price: $3/gram Gobabeb, Namibia Classification: H4 Weight: 8.18 grams Description: Very nice part slice with a metal vein. Price: $8/gram Gold Basin, Arizona Classification: L4 Weight: 57 grams Description: Individual with some crust. Price: $1/gram Gold Basin, Arizona Classification: L4 Weight: 87 grams Description: Endcut with some crust and a polished face. Price: $1/gram Gretna, Kansas Classification: L5 Weight: 16.9 grams Description: Crusted part slice. Price: $6/gram HaH 222, Sahara Desert Classification: L6 Weight: 11.7 grams Description: Crusted part slice with gray matrix. Price: $4/gram Happy Canyon, Texas Classification: E6/7 Weight: 3.8 grams Description: American Meteorite Laboratory Label and painted on numbers H314.98. A very nice part slice of a rare meteorite in a riker mount. Price: $350 Hebron, Nebraska Classification: H6 Weight: 13.1 grams Description: Nice slice with interesting matrix. Price: $6/gram Huckitta, Australia Classification: Pallasite Weight: 36 grams Description: Very nice stable endcut with great surface area. Price: $5/gram Hunter, Oklahoma Classification: LL5 Weight: .29 grams Description: Micro with polished faces. Price: $20 Indochinite Tektite, Vietnam Classification: Tektite Description: elongated shape Price: $4 Jilin, China Classification: H5 Weight: 64 grams Fell: 1946 Description: Large polished slice with Bob Haag collection card. Price: $10/gram Kaffir C, Texas Classification: L6 Weight: 7.24 grams Description: Crusted part slice. Price: $7/gram Kapoeta, Sudan Classification: Howardite Weight: 1.2 grams Fell: April 22, 1942 Description: Very nice part slice of a rare classification and fall. In a riker mount. Price: $250 Kendleton, Texas Classification: L4 Weight: 10 grams Description: Crusted part slice with a blue matrix Fell: May 2, 1939. Price: $15/gram La Criolla, Argentina Classification: L6 Weight: 20 grams Description: Very nice endcut with a polished face. This specimen has the blackest crust I have seen on a meteorite. It has a dark shock vein running through it. Price: $20/gram Lake Labyrinth, Australia Classification: LL5 Weight: 12.4 grams Description: Polished endcut of a rare meteorite. Price: $12/gram Lone Tree, Iowa Classification: L4 Weight: micro Description: Part slice of a very rare meteorite. Price: micro fragments in case $5. Macy, New Mexico Classification: L6 Weight: 7 grams Description: Polished part slice. Price: $4/gram Macy, New Mexico Classification: L6 Weight: 78 grams Description: Polished part slice from Skip Wilson. Price: $4/gram Mills, New Mexico Classification: H6 Weight: 18.9 grams Description: Crusted part slice. Price: $8/gram Moldavite Tektite Classification: Gem faceted Weight: 47.3 carats and 32.2 carats Description: Very beautiful oval cut stones perfect for jewelry setting and very rare size. Price: $12/carat Mulga North, Australia Classification: H6 Weight: 11 grams Description: Crusted individual in a Riker mount. Price: $8/gram New Orleans, Louisiana Classification: H5 Weight: Around 100 micro?s many with crust and a .84gram fragment. Fall: September 29, 2003 Description: This is one of the neatest assortments of meteorite memorabilia from a rare and historic fall. These specimens were collected by the scientists who did the classification on the material. It comes with the exact street names where they were found. And the coolest part is the collecting apparatus the scientist used is included. Price: Offers accepted. Nuevo Mecurio, Mexico Classification: H5 Weight: 45 grams Fall: 1978 Description: Very nice black crusted (95%) individual from Bob Haag. Price: $12/gram NWA, Morocco Classification: Unclassified Weight: Two specimens 186 and 74 grams Description: Very interesting yellow paint marks on them, they were probably used as markers to hunt a strewnfield. Price: $1/gram NWA 1794, Morocco Classification: LL5, S2 W1 Weight: 214 grams Description: Beautiful crusted individual BL-14. Price: $1/gram NWA 1932, Morocco Classification: LL3, S1, W2 Weight: 23.57 gram Main Mass Description: One of the most beautiful chondrule rich LL3?s I have ever seen. Looks like the night sky. Comes in a Riker mount. Price: $12/gram NWA 1937, Morocco Classification: LL5/6, S2, W1 Weight: 3.77 gram Main Mass Description: Very nice and fresh endcut with incredible interior features of blue and gray. With a riker mount. Price: $40 NWA 2482, Morocco Classification: Polymict Eucrite Weight: 5 individuals 10-90 grams Description: Very nice black crust, primary and secondary, of a rare classification. Price: $10/gram NWA 2999, Morocco Classification: angrite Weight: .106 grams Description: Thin part slice of very rare material. Price: $25 O?Donnell, Texas Classification: H5 Weight: 6.11 grams Description: Very nice crusted part slice with black veins. Price: $8/gram Portales Valley, New Mexico Classification: H6 (awesome metal veins) Weight: 8.4 grams Fell: June 13, 1998 Description: High metal variety and is a perfect specimen. Price: $35/gram Portales Valley, New Mexico Classification: H6 (one awesome metal vein) Weight: 14 grams Fell: June 13, 1998 Description: Crusted part slice. Price: $20/gram Pultusk, Poland Classification: H5 Weight: 5.5 grams Description: Beautiful complete individual with Monnig numbers (M57.12) painted on the side. Price: $25/gram Richardton, North Dakota Classification: H5 Weight: ~1 gram in a vial. Fell: June 30, 1918 10 pm Description: Copy of American Meteorite Museum label. Several micro?s and dust. Price: $25 Roosevelt County 085, New Mexico Classification: L4 Impact Melt Weight: 20.91 grams Description: Main Mass endcut of a very rare specimen. Price: $20/gram Sahara 99208, Sahara Desert Classification: Unclassified Weight: 45.5 grams Description: Very nice individual with cut face. Has painted on numbers Sahara 99208. Price: $2/gram Sahara 99755, Sahara Desert Classification: Unclassified Weight: 170.8 grams Description: Very nice individual with a cut face. Has painted on numbers Sahara 99755. Price: $2/gram SaU 001, Oman Classification: L4-5 Weight: 30 grams Description: Complete individual. Price: $1/gram Sikhote Alin, Russia Classification: Iron Weight: 2028 grams Description: It is two pieces that fit together like a puzzle. Stands alone and is a nice display piece. Shrapnel type. Price: $1500 Sikhote Alin, Russia Classification: Iron Weight: 46 grams and 60 grams Description: Crusted part slice and is polished. Price: $1/gram Small Tektite Collection Classification: Tektites Weight: Varying weights Description: Nice collection of many rare tektites in a small carrying case. (Beloc Haiti, Bikolite Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailandite (4), Chinese Tektite (3), Colombite, Javanite, Cambodia Tektite, Australite, Moldavite, Tibetanite, Darwin glass Price: Offers accepted Tatahouine, Tunisia Classification: Diogenite Fall: 1931 Weight: ~3 grams Description: Rare crusted specimen in a display case. Price: $45/gram Texline, Texas Classification: H5 Weight: 4 grams Description: Comes with original Ward?s Science label and is a very nice looking polished part slice. Price: $50 Thuathe, Lesotho Classification: H4 Weight: 82.56 grams Fell: July 21, 2002 Description: Black fusion crusted oriented individual with roll over lip. A wonderful example of this fall. Price: $8/gram Tibet Tektite Classification: Tektite Weight: 6 grams Description: Nice characteristics. Price: $5/gram Tissemoumine, Morocco Classification: Acapulcoite Weight: .826 grams Description: Crusted part slice of a very rare type of meteorite. In a Riker mount. Price: $50 Tulia A, Texas Classification: H3-4 Weight: 3.3 grams Description: Polished Part slice. Price: $4/gram Vaca Muerta, Chile Classification: Mesosiderite Weight: 6.7 grams Description: Very nice crusted part slice. From the Cornell University Department of Astronomy with their label, specimen number VM-33. Comes in a Riker mount. Price: $12/gram Valera, Venezuela Classification: L4 Weight: 7.11 grams Fell: Oct. 15, 1972 and reportedly killed a cow when it fell. Description: Beautifully crusted piece with a polished face in a Riker mount. Price: $20/gram Wellman C, Texas Classification: H4 Weight: 16 grams Description: Huss Numbers painted on the side (H39.199). Nice part slice with crust. Price: $6/gram Wuan, China Classification: H6 Fall: July 31, 1986 Weight: 6 grams Description: Very nice gray matrix with black inclusions. A very rare meteorite with very little in private collections. Price: $12/gram Zag, Morocco Classification: H3-6 Weight: 55 grams Fall: 1998 Description: Fusion crusted endcut with polished face. Price: $2/gram Received on Fri 20 Oct 2006 10:23:15 AM PDT |
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