[meteorite-list] Brenham Curiosity...

From: Mike Groetz <mpg444_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Oct 18 08:23:53 2006
Message-ID: <20061018122351.24189.qmail_at_web32909.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Good Morning-
   From what I put together in the reports- found in
the location of the 12 by 18 feet large target area
was some rusty steel cable. I don't believe the 154
lb. meteorite came from the same (immediate) location
   This is only a curiosity (probably a hopeful
one..)- but what would chances be that the found steel
cable was originally used to try and get a large
meteorite out from the same location and failed?
   Has any one heard what was found underneath this
steel cable?

Have a good day
Mike Groetz

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