[meteorite-list] "Rock and Gem" Article + "Alien Metal"?

From: almitt <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Oct 14 08:43:49 2006
Message-ID: <4530DB7B.4060206_at_kconline.com>

Hi Geoff and all,

A Couple of finds in meteorites (but not on Earth) that come to mind is
Niningerite named after Harvey Nininger. I believe also that some
mineral was found in the Spring Water Pallasite that was unique to space
rocks. I see also that Bernd has sited some alien metal references.
While this material is unique to space rocks, it is understood by the
scientific community and explainable. Best!

--AL Mitterling
Mitterling Meteorites
Received on Sat 14 Oct 2006 08:43:39 AM PDT

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