[meteorite-list] THE 5 BILLIONAIRES

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Oct 13 11:46:09 2006
Message-ID: <20061012124320.36895.qmail_at_web53211.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello Steve and List,
    Since you or perhaps others have the time to moniter the 5 Ducks, why don`t you follow up with their customers and ask them to check their purchases and provide information on how to test for a meteorite? Not to late for them to contact their credit card companies and put a stop payment if they received a faux nantan or stony met. Forget paypal they do nothing. Wow, yes their tektites so-far are real but .01cent plus 9.99 covers their cost and still provides a good profit.
    BTW: Did you lose your corporation? I see you are no longer LTD. Have a good day Steve!
  To save you some time Steve here is a list of their two of their "meteorite" purchasers:
  pocket4inch (51) USA 495g 3.5" Huge Nantan Nickel-Iron Meteorite, RARE!!
  dchosen1one (private) UK 5.2 KG.(11Pd.) 10" HUGE METEOR, STONY METEORITE, RARE

"Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
  Good morning list.Last week we were talking about those 5 "VERY RICH"
people called the 5 billionaires about those fake things they had on
ebay.Well I noticed now they have flooded the ebay realm with lots of
nantans.The question I pose is this.If they are all billionaires,why do
they have to sell anything at all on ebay????If I was a billionaire I
would not even even think of ebay,let alone trying to sell anything.I
would be buying up meteorites.Just a question to ponder.Any thoughts??

steve arnold,chicago,usa!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

Illinois meteorites,since 1999!

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