[meteorite-list] Re: Ad Two new books
From: meteoriteplaya_at_comcast.net <meteoriteplaya_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Oct 10 19:21:41 2006 Message-ID: <101020062321.23129.452C2B02000C545300005A5922058860140E970E049F0A9B079D010A9B0A03_at_comcast.net> Hi all I have two new books I'm excited to announce. New book #1 Meteorites and the early solar system II / D.S. Lauretta, H.Y. McSween, Jr., editors ; foreword by Richard P. Binzel 942 pp. / 8.5 x 11.0 / 2006 Cloth (0816525625) Contents Collaborating Authors xi Scientific Organizing Committee and Acknowledgment of Reviewers xii Foreword xiii Preface xv PART I: METEORITICS OVERVIEW Types of Extraterrestrial Material Available for Study M. M. Grady and I. Wright 9002 Systematics and Evaluation of Meteorite Classification M. K. Weisberg, T. J. McCoy, and A. N. Krot 9014 Recent Advances in Meteoritics and Cosmochemistry H. Y. McSween Jr., D. S. Lauretta, and L. A. Leshin 9001 PART II: THE PRESOLAR EPOCH: METEORITIC CONSTRAINTS ON ASTRONOMICAL PROCESSES Nucleosynthesis B. S. Meyer and E. Zinner 9015 Origin and Evolution of Carbonaceous Presolar Grains in Stellar Environments T. J. Bernatowicz, T. K. Croat, and T. L. Daulton 9035 Meteorites and the Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way L. R. Nittler and N. Dauphaus 9025 Chemical Processes in the Interstellar Medium: Source of the Gas and Dust in the Primitive Solar Nebula J. A. Nuth III, S. B. Charnley, and N. M. Johnson 9020 PART III: DISK FORMATION EPOCH: THE ASTROPHYSICAL SETTING AND INITIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SOLAR NEBULA Presolar Cloud Collapse and the Formation and Early Evolution of the Solar Nebula A. P. Boss and J. N. Goswami 9005 The Population of Starting Materials Available for Solar System Construction S. Messenger, S. Sandford, and D. Brownlee 9037 The Physics and Chemistry of Nebular Evolution F. J. Ciesla and S. B. Charnley 9033 PART IV: THE FIRST NEBULAR EPOCH: GENESIS OF THE FIRST SOLAR SYSTEM MATERIALS Timescales of the Solar Protoplanetary Disk S. S. Russell, L. Hartmann, J. Cuzzi, A. N. Krot, M. Gounelle, and S. Weidenschilling 9016 Condensation of Rocky Material in Astrophysical Environments D. S. Ebel 9031 The Fayalite Content of Chondritic Olivine: Obstacle to Understanding the Condensation of Rocky Material A. V. Fedkin and L. Grossman 9003 Volatile Evolution and Loss A. M. Davis 9034 Origin of Water Ice in the Solar System J. I. Lunine 9028 PART V: THE SECOND NEBULAR EPOCH: MATERIALS PROCESSING IN THE NEBULA Irradiation Processes in the Early Solar System M. Chaussidon and M. Gounelle 9009 Solar System Deuterium/Hydrogen Ratio F. Robert 9038 Particle-Gas Dynamics and Primary Accretion J. N. Cuzzi and S. J. Weidenschilling 9018 Transient Heating Events in the Protoplanetary Nebula H. C. Connolly Jr., S. J. Desch, R. D. Ash, and R. H. Jones 9027 Chemical Processes in Igneous Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions: A Mostly CMAS View of Melting and Crystallization J. R. Beckett, H. C. Connolly, and D. S. Ebel 9024 Petrology and Origin of Ferromagnesian Silicate Chondrules D. S. Lauretta, H. Nagahara, and C. M. O'D. Alexander 9026 PART VI: THE ACCRETION EPOCH: FORMATION OF PLANETESIMALS Chronological Constraints on Planetesimal Accretion R. H. Nichols Jr. 9036 Accretion Dynamics and Timescales: Relation to Chondrites S. J. Weidenschilling and J. N. Cuzzi 9023 Meteoritic Diversity and Planetesimal Formation J. Chambers 9030 Trapping and Modification Processes of Noble Gases and Nitrogen in Meteorites and Their Parent Bodies R. Wieler, H. Busemann, and I. A. Franchi 9012 PART VII: THE PARENT-BODY EPOCH: A. ALTERATION AND METAMORPHISM Timescales and Settings for Alteration of Chondritic Meteorites A. N. Krot, I. D. Hutcheon, A. J. Brearley, O. V. Pravdivtseva, M. I. Petaev, and C. M. Hohenberg 9006 Asteroidal Heating and Thermal Stratification of the Asteroid Belt A. Ghosh, S. J. Weidenschilling, H. Y. McSween Jr., and A. Rubin 9017 Thermal Metamorphism in Chondrites G. R. Huss, A. E. Rubin, and J. N. Grossman 9007 The Action of Water A. J. Brearley 9022 The Nature and Distribution of the Organic Material in Carbonaceous Chondrites and Interplanetary Dust Particles S. Pizzarello, G. W. Cooper, and G. J. Flynn 9008 Shock Effects in Meteorites T. G. Sharp and P. S. De Carli 9040 Nature and Origins of Meteoritic Breccias A. Bischoff, E. R. D. Scott, K. Metzler, and C. A. Goodrich 9013 PART VIII: THE PARENT-BODY EPOCH: B. MELTING AND DIFFERENTIATION Timescales of Planetesimal Differentiation in the Early Solar System M. Wadhwa, G. Srinivasan, and R. W. Carlson 9029 Asteroid Differentiation T. J. McCoy, D. W. Mittlefehldt, and L. Wilson 9010 Evolution of Asteroidal Cores N. L. Chabot and H. Haack 9019 PART IX: THE PLANETARY EPOCH: METEORITES AND THE EARTH Meteorites and the Timing, Mechanisms, and Conditions of Terrestrial Planet Accretion and Early Differentiation A. N. Halliday and T. Kleine 9032 Compositional Relationships Between Meteorites and Terrestrial Planets K. Righter, M. J. Drake, and E. R. D. Scott 9039 Irradiation Records, Cosmic-Ray Exposure Ages, and Transfer Times of Meteorites O. Eugster, G. F. Herzog, K. Marti, and M. W. Caffee 9004 Weathering of Chondritic Meteorites P. A. Bland, M. E. Zolensky, G. K. Benedix, and M. A. Sephton 9041 Flux of Extraterrestrial Materials M. Zolensky, P. Bland, P. Brown, and I. Halliday 9021 Terrestrial Ages of Meteorites A. J. T. Jull 9011 Glossary xxxx Color Section xxxx Index xxxx Looks like a good book although quite "heavy" both literally and figuratively. List price is $90 but I will sell for $77.50. Unfortunately I don't have a copy but I would guess that shipping will be quite expensive as it is so heavy. But I will only charge cost plus $1.00. I'll let you know the price with shipping as soon as I can. Let me know if you want to reserve a copy. New Book title 2 "The Schwade Meteorite Collection" New book...book title. This is a pictorial book by James Schwade showing his phenomenal meteorite collection. He certainly has one of the largest collections in private hands. This softcover book starts off with a introductory section 10 pages in length about the "who", "what" "when" and "where" of his collection. The next section shows three quality photos on each page. The book has 190 pictures of many rarely seen meteorites ranging from a 300kg Gibeon to a 41 gram Nakhla and everything in between. The pictures are great with a small bit of text associated with each picture. With some of the more interesting pieces in the collection that have a story to tell, Jim will retell how he obtained it, give historical information, or tell of how it fell. Last section shows the inventory of his entire collection as all of his pieces not all are pictured. There is also a list by classification and by geographic region. In total the book has 126 pages. Great book with excellent pictures of a phenomenal meteorite collection. All yours for 15.00 plus 3.50 media mail shipping to the US, 11.00 worldwide. Please add $1.00 for PayPal payments if this is the only book you order. I will be getting the books in a week or two so for now I am just taking pre orders. Also Jim will hand deliver them to me so let me know if you want a signed copy. Thanks Mike -- Mike Jensen Jensen Meteorites 16730 E Ada PL Aurora, CO 80017-3137 303-337-4361 IMCA 4264 website: www.jensenmeteorites.comReceived on Tue 10 Oct 2006 07:21:38 PM PDT |
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