[meteorite-list] Workshop: Bridging the Gap II - Effect of Target Properties on the Impact Cratering Process
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Oct 5 12:46:15 2006 Message-ID: <200610051646.JAA25536_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/gap2007 Bridging the Gap II: Effect of Target Properties on the Impact Cratering Process September 22-26, 2007 Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First Announcement -- September 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPONSORS -- Canadian Space Agency, Lunar and Planetary Institute CONVENERS -- Robert Herrick, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Gordon Osinski, Canadian Space Agency Elisabetta Pierazzo, Planetary Science Institute SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE -- Mark Burchell, University of Kent Gareth Collins, Imperial College London Michael Dence, Canadian Academy of Science Kevin Housen, Boeing Corporation Jay Melosh, University of Arizona John Spray, University of New Brunswick ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEETING LOCATION AND DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Bridging the Gap II workshop will be held September 22-26, 2007, at the John H. Chapman Space Centre, headquarters of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), which is located in Saint-Hubert on the outskirts of Montr?al. The Centre, about a 45-minute drive from Montr?al-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, is conveniently located near downtown Montreal at 6767 Route de l'A?roport, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, J3Y 8Y9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PURPOSE AND SCOPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Impact cratering is a fundamental geological process that affects all solar system objects with a solid surface. The formation of meteorite impact craters involves complicated physical processes that occur over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and spatial scales, and consequently a multidisciplinary approach to research is required to improve knowledge of the cratering process. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from various disciplines to address one of its major outstanding problems: the effect of target properties, such as porosity, volatiles, and layering, on the impact cratering process. The workshop builds upon the successful workshop Impact Cratering: Bridging the Gap Between Modeling and Observations <http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/impact2003/>, which was held in Houston, Texas, February 2003. The presentation of ideas and results will be through a combination of invited and contributed oral presentations, followed by substantial discussion sessions and posters. In keeping with the concepts of the previous workshop, submitted abstracts must discuss both modeling/experiments and observations, either in the context of observations necessary to evaluate target modeling in impact simulations, or how particular observations constrain the target effects on the impact process. This workshop will comprise sessions devoted to furthering our understanding of the effect of target properties on various aspects of the impact cratering process, such as * initial energy deposition and shock wave propagation, * impact melting and shock metamorphism, * shock damage to the target, * mechanics of complex crater formation, * excavation and ejecta emplacement (proximal and distal), * expansion plume evolution, and * environmental effects. Workshop sessions will begin in the morning of September 24 through September 26, 2007. Each session will generally begin with two invited talks of 30 minutes, one by a modeler and one by an observer, with the remainder of the talks as contributions. The opening session will include an overview of Bridging the Gap I, with updates on some of the major questions and tasks covered at that workshop (e.g., the ongoing impact codes validation effort; databases of terrestrial impact craters; recent and future drilling of impact structures; Deep Impact). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The workshop will begin with a two-day field trip to the ~50-km-diameter Charlevoix impact structure, which is about a four-hour drive from Montr?al. Workshop participants will depart from the CSA the morning of September 22 and return to the CSA the evening of September 23, 2007. Travel to and from Charlevoix and accommodations for the field trip will be included in the workshop registration. There will be no onsite registration; participants must register in advance. Further travel and logistical information will be provided with the second announcement. A formal call for abstracts will also be included in the second announcement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ More detailed information will be available in future announcements posted on this website (see schedule below). To aid in planning purposes, we strongly urge you to submit an electronic Indication of Intent form <gap2007.iofi.cfm> by November 30, 2006. The information on this form will not only provide invaluable information for the meeting organizers as they plan logistical strategies for the workshop, but will also subscribe you to an e-mail notification list to receive late-breaking news and information about the workshop. Please make sure to include a valid e-mail address. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For further information regarding format and scientific objectives, contact ROBERT HERRICK Geophysical Institute University of Alaska, Fairbanks Phone: 907-474-6455 E-mail: rherrick_at_gi.alaska.edu GORDON OSINSKI Canadian Space Agency Phone: 450-926-4478 E-mail: gordon.osinski_at_space.ge.ca ELISABETTA PIERAZZO Planetary Science Institute Phone: 520-547-3951 E-mail: betty_at_psi.edu For further information regarding meeting logistics and announcements, contact MARY CLOUD Lunar and Planetary Institute Phone: 281-486-2143 E-mail: cloud_at_lpi.usra.edu SCHEDULE November 30, 2006 Deadline for Indication of Intent forms May 18, 2007 Second announcement posted on this website June 29, 2007 Deadline for abstract submissions August 10, 2007 Final announcement with preliminary program and abstracts posted on this website September 6, 2007 Deadline for workshop registration (no onsite registration) September 22-23, 2007 Preconference field trip to the Charlevoix impact structure September 24-26, 2007 Workshop on Bridging the Gap II in Saint-Hubert, Canada Received on Thu 05 Oct 2006 12:46:07 PM PDT |
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