[meteorite-list] Beauty and the Beast, Tulia (a) +/- Dimmitt

From: Frank Cressy <fcressy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 07:58:33 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <20061117155833.31260.qmail_at_web80229.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello Geoff, Mark, and all,

I also discussed this topic with Art and thought I'd
add a bit more to the story. Apparently on the
initial Dimmitt stones that Oscar Monnig labeled, the
two letters represented the initials of the person
that he acquired the stone from. Obviously with so
many Dimmitt stones coming in, this system soon became
unworkable. He then went to an increasing letter
system for the stones as they were acquired: A,
B,C...Z, AA, AB....AZ, BA, BB....BZ...etc.

I know that this system was also used for other
meteorites as I have a Kendleton individual with both
an early Monnig number and a Huss number.


Dimmitt stone #M138.201; #12KI
Kendleton stone #M32.25; #32T

--- Notkin <geoking at notkin.net> wrote:

> Mark posted:
> > One is a fragment individual with a Nininger
> number and a second
> > collection number. Could someone identify the
> > second collection number for me? I've seen like
> collection numbers
> > before.
> >
> > http://www.meteoritearticles.com/coldimmitt.html
> Dear Mark and List:
> I had the pleasure of discussing this matter in
> detail with our friend
> and colleague Dr. Art Ehlmann, curator of the Monnig
> Meteorite Gallery.
> As Mark already knows, Art and Oscar Monnig were
> longtime friends, and
> Art has been caring for (and expanding) the Monnig
> collection for many
> years.
> The Monnig Meteorite Gallery is located in Fort
> Worth, TX. I heartily
> recommend a visit to this excellent museum:
> http://www.monnigmuseum.tcu.edu
> Mark, regarding your specimen: You are very
> knowledgeable as it regards
> historic specimens, but if I may contradict you in a
> friendly manner,
> the top number "M138.102" is actually a Monnig
> (Huss) Collection
> number, not a Nininger number. "138" was Glenn Huss'
> designation for
> Dimmitt, Texas specimens from the Monnig collection.
> Glen Huss and
> Margaret Nininger Huss cataloged the Monnig
> collection and painted
> those numbers onto the specimens. The lower number
> "12AV" is a true
> original Oscar Monnig number, which predates the
> later Huss catalog. It
> is my understanding that the "12AV" number was
> painted on by Oscar
> himself. As such, your specimen has a double Huss
> and Monnig provenance
> and is a fine and extremely collectible historic
> specimen. Congrats.
> For those who are interested in collection numbers
> and historic
> American meteorites, please see photos of comparable
> Monnig specimens
> (Dimmitt and Tulia) here:
> http://www.aerolite.org/historic-meteorites.htm
> Sincerely,
> Geoff N.
> www.aerolite.org
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Received on Fri 17 Nov 2006 10:58:33 AM PST

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