[meteorite-list] advice.../ the future
From: mark ford <markf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Nov 13 08:30:39 2006 Message-ID: <6CE3EEEFE92F4B4085B0E086B2941B315A033D_at_s-southern01.s-southern.com> Hi Rob, That 'tis indeed a 'peachy utopia of a vision'! Though ironically it's the scientists that are sending the robots to 'Farm' the Antarctic for pristine space rocks, the collectors are the ones roaming the war zones and dry horrible deserts of the world looking for the weathered brown chunks - something is wrong there!? In reality of course, in the future there will be numerous sample return missions, mars rock will be so plentiful that they will actually give it away with Frosties, and 'Lunar rock pens' will be cheaper than the plastic ones. Yeah right! Or due to the high prices, there will be so many ''reproduction'' meteorites and moldavite tektites flooding onto the market, that public suspicion of all things 'meteorite' will be such, that only a select band of collectors will know the difference and supply will thus still be plentiful- oh sorry that's now isn't it!!! No joking aside, every few years a nice big fall does seem to come along, Lesotho, Park forest, etc, that will keep the supply chain topped up, but prices will probably go up, people wont be chucking NWA's in boxes and selling them by the Kilo like sweets that for sure. On the subject of large catastrophic impacts, it would be interesting to see what would happen in such a case, of course anything big enough to vaporize a city probably wouldn't have any/much cosmic material left, so any small fragments might actually be quite valuable! And might even ironically get public interest right up to such an extent that there are fewer meteorites available for sale and thus higher prices. That reminds me, time for another decent fall methinks, Cosmic gods!! Mark Ford -----Original Message----- From: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Rob McCafferty Sent: 13 November 2006 12:39 To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] advice... I have this wonderful vision of the future. The supply has dwindled to nothing and our collections are worth small fortunes. The scientists are getting bored of calling us looters, bandits, thieves and bounty hunters as it means they won't be getting any new stuff by insulting us .....and then it is discovered that a 5km asteroid is going to come down somewhere in Western Asia. While 500million people are attempting to flee the area before the catastrophy, the likes of Farmer, Elliott, etc are chartering flights into the would-be disaster zone and investing in fireproof hats. The scientists, meanwhile are holed up in their bunkers on the far side of the world hollering "PIRATESSSSSS!!!!" to anyone who cares to listen. Just tryin' to lighten the mood! Rob McC --- Bob Evans <bobe5531_at_comcast.net> wrote: > There's always quite a bit of talk about dwindling > supply. Who cares about > supply issues if there isn't much demand 5 years > from now. > I sure would like to hear some feedback about > demand. > Especially from the top dealers like Mike, Hupes, > Elliot, Blaine etc. > I cant be the only collector wondering what my > collection will be worth 10 > or 20 years from now. I have enough invested to > worry about losing 50% of > what I put in. > Some dealers who have been around for 20 + years > should have a better idea > of where its headed. > Is the collector ( buyer ) base growing > exponentially ? or is it holding > steady ? How does it compare to 10 years ago? > > BTW- I have only been collecting since 2003 > Bob > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Martin Altmann" <altmann_at_meteorite-martin.de> > To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> > Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 7:04 AM > Subject: AW: [meteorite-list] advice... > > > Well, the good times in Sahara are over, we all have > to get used with that > fact, although so many newer collectors refuse to > face the truth. > The Munich show is always well frequented by > Moroccans (it's not so far like > Tucson for them). Dramatically was the decline of > the amounts of material > from the 2003 to the 2004 show. 2005 again > remarkably less material compared > to 2004 was available. > And this year? This year they hit the absolute space > rock bottom. > Prices are raising and raising. 0.14cents/g - I > can't see any extortion with > that price. I know, that all are spoiled from the > narrow peak of the desert > rush, but be prepared to pay more in the coming > years. > I recommend you, if you feel the price would be to > expensive, to send the > stones back and to buy from Bessey, from the rest of > his stock, who can > offer unclassified OCs still at old prices. > > Muhaddin Alaman > > PS: Btw. the Moroccans also have to live.. > > > > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com > [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com] > Im Auftrag von Dave > Harris > Gesendet: Samstag, 11. November 2006 13:14 > An: metlist > Betreff: [meteorite-list] advice... > > Hi Folks, > > I think a few of you chaps know of Abdelfattah, a > Moroccan dealer - I know > nowt about the chap personally. He has sent me some > pics of 3.3kg of > meteorites (about 8 individuals). > Now, he's asking $140 a kg plus shipping - Having to > make the assumption > that these are just OCs - this sounds very expensive > to me. If anyone has > any advice or wants to see the pics - let me know. I > do not think one can > tell a great deal from the pics. > > I don't know whether or not it is worth me buying > them 'on spec'. > > Help! > > dave > IMCA #0092 > Sec.BIMS > www.bimsociety.org > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > ____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! 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