[meteorite-list] Pics of Anomalous rocks...

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 5 19:10:45 2006
Message-ID: <20061106001044.62147.qmail_at_web53214.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear Kevin,
  I have viewed your photo. Most likely, 99% ,it is
not a meteorite. Most meteorites are not flat or
shaped like your rock. Is it magnetic, heavier than
the average earth rock, do you see any shiny metal
grains on a cut or ground surface? Can you provide any
close-up images of a broken surface and the external
  I am sure there will be others from the list asking
similar questions and they will also give you their
  If you want I can or someone on the list can examine
your rock for free IF you would like. Best,Dirk

--- kevin decker <innocentwolf15_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

Hello,I know I haven't been replying to the list or
sending pics..or absolutely anything other than
sitting here reading everyone elses posts. I can't
because I don't know how to change from HTML..to
TEXT...but I would like your opinions on the
photos..what they may be...meteorites..wrong or
not..I'm tired of sitting on a bunch of stuff..not
knowing what they may be.I've absolutely no one to
talk rocks with.or meteorites.And I can't afford
150.00 an hour to have them researched by some college
either. Thanks..Kevin

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Received on Sun 05 Nov 2006 07:10:44 PM PST

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