[meteorite-list] Time for a Met-List Upgrade?
From: Mike Bandli <fuzzfoot_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Nov 4 14:16:04 2006 Message-ID: <20061104191528.37DE610617_at_mailwash5.pair.com> After speaking with several people off list and many months of frustrating bounced emails and met-list account problems I feel it necessary to make a suggestion. According to others, the software that generates and manages this list is out of date. Many of us receive 25% of what the list actually generates. I constantly check the archives hoping not to miss out on informative posts (and 'Big Steve' selling meteorites for 90% off). Isn't it time to consider a major update of met-list software? I would be willing to pitch in some money to help fund such an upgrade. What about others? Is this a realistic goal? What do you think? Is this old news (I wouldn't know because I rarely get posts)? Kind regards, ? Mike Bandli fuzzfoot_at_comcast-sucks-ass.com ? Received on Sat 04 Nov 2006 02:15:21 PM PST |
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