[meteorite-list] re: DEMOCRATIC FILTERING

From: Marco Langbroek <marco.langbroek_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 27 19:05:19 2006
Message-ID: <44782CAD.3050403_at_wanadoo.nl>

> This list responds best to messages sent in plain HTML text format

"Plain HTML text"??????

That's similar to talking about a virgin hooker...

It's plain text, as opposed to HTML.

 From what I've seen in the communictions, I believe EJ is right and this is a
problem with your ISP domain listed as a SPAM source, Armando, which hence has
little to do with anti-personal measures on this list itself. But I can
understand that you thought of it.

- Marco

Dr Marco Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)

e-mail: meteorites_at_dmsweb.org
private website http://home.wanadoo.nl/marco.langbroek
DMS website http://www.dmsweb.org
Received on Sat 27 May 2006 06:40:45 AM PDT

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