[meteorite-list] Ensisheim and St Marie aux Mines shows in France

From: Michael Farmer <meteoritehunter_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 21 01:02:54 2006
Message-ID: <20060521050252.ED8508D6B6_at_mailwash5.pair.com>

Hi everyone.

I will be attending both shows in France.
I am making preparations now, so anyone in Europe who would like me to bring
something specific let me know. I have decided to take a break from selling
there, so I am just going to socialize with all my old customers from across
the pond, and shop till I drop.
I predict a lot of Ensisheim wine and Meteor beer will be flowing!

I plan to have a few Lunar and Martian meteorite pieces for sale there, but
nothing else unless requested. Too many hassles with French customs to deal
with for my taste.

Who else is planning to attend?

Michael Farmer
Received on Sun 21 May 2006 01:02:48 AM PDT

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