[meteorite-list] Quiz! - name this beauty

From: Marcin Cimala - PolandMET <marcin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 19 19:13:22 2006
Message-ID: <001101c67b99$d1430180$0300000a_at_polandme2iekcc>

No it isn't Seymchan.

Ha ! Becouse its Morasko :))) hi hi
Morasko is alvays the best and who cares about two olivines.
OK I cant tell what it is otherwise I will be disqualified by Martin.

Hey Mike, it was a not so intelligent idea to buy the Baszkowka stone and to
drop it in Oman to rerecover it again.
The other way round, Mike, the other way round!

NO NO Nooooooooooooo
This is speculation.
I personally checked that tooday Baszkowka , one of the TOP10 best oriented
meteorites on this tiny world is sitting in his armour chest, and its SAFE.

This was incredible, this was mystic, this was great, this was horrible and
beautifull to watch this stone in real. Heh and its much heavy than I
Crust is soo fresh, sharp, mat and shiny into regmalyptes compressed one
near another.

And finally the back side, never seen with place from where all material was
cut off.

This was great
And all who like to see some photos please open my page

And for those who will try to start any exchanges, no more material will be
cut from it and everything what was taken from Baszkowka in the past was
killed in many Lab tests and other parts landed also deep museums/collectors
membrane boxes. So no new material will be available. Bad :( I have only

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
http://www.Meteoryt.net marcin_at_meteoryt.net
http://www.PolandMET.com marcin_at_polandmet.com
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com GSM +48(607)535 195
--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
Received on Fri 19 May 2006 07:13:17 PM PDT

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