[meteorite-list] Re: NEPTUNES OR SUPER-EARTHS?

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 18 13:06:04 2006
Message-ID: <38d.314117b.319e036a_at_aol.com>

Hi Sterling, Just think, if life originated in the oceans on our Earth, all
the possibilities on these little bigger earthy worlds you contemplate. To be
fair we can stick to your "surface area is the square of diameter" rather
than worry about what is going on in the planet's deep inner space. I guess you
and me might look like mermen or whales if we evolved there...The only
difficulty I see in a water world would be developing a written form of language and
hunting for meteorites. Maybe all this would happen on the floating mangrove
islands, sea lillies, and duckweed that could choke their world to death:)
Nice post, thanks, Saludos, Doug

Sterling W. wrote:

<< So a bigger Earth is not just a bigger Earth. Knowing that
 somebody will ask how big a bigger Earth has to be before
 there's no land at all, just oceans, the answer is: somewhere
 between 2-1/2 and 3 Earth masses is the point where the median
 ocean depths equal the height of the highest possible mountain. >>
Received on Thu 18 May 2006 01:05:46 PM PDT

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