[meteorite-list] Rare Krasnojarsk specimen on my web page
From: Michel FRANCO <michel_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 17 10:13:29 2006 Message-ID: <OKEHLBNDONIKAPLKCNIOKEKDCEAA.michel_at_caillou-noir.com> Hi list, I've just updated my web site with a very rare Krasnojarsk 159 g specimen coming from an old french collection. It was sleeping on my shelf and I decided to put it on line. For those who do not know what this object represents: The first object recognized by mankind as coming from the outespace! Have a look, the photos are nice and it's worth having a look at it. http://www.caillou-noir.com/krasnoiarsk.htm For your pleasure. Best regards Michel FRANCO www.caillou-noir.com Met Soc member since 1998 IMCA #3869 skype: kayunwar Received on Wed 17 May 2006 10:13:28 AM PDT |
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