[meteorite-list] Patina

From: Metorman46_at_aol.com <Metorman46_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 12 19:33:53 2006
Message-ID: <474.9348e.3196755b_at_aol.com>

Hello Gary,Walter;
I found a wire wheel for my 4"side grinder and that thing really gets the
job done.But if you ever try to use one,be sure to use safety goggles.That
grinder turns many r.p.m.'s and can throw little wires at escape
velocity.Seriously the wire wheel does shed wires.Good luck.
The patina i personally like is natural and brushed both.Ninninger
instructed collectors to soak the iron meteorite in oil before cleaning ( a lot less
dust to deal with i think ) and i tried it.It worked good on a limonite
covered campo i acquired years ago.
Best regards;Herman.
Received on Fri 12 May 2006 07:33:47 PM PDT

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