[meteorite-list] Buyer beware has many meanings

From: joseph_town_at_att.net <joseph_town_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 6 21:14:50 2006
Message-ID: <050720060114.14788.445D4A0600057492000039C421603762230299019BA1089F0A9C0106_at_att.net>

The first meteorites I purchased were from the Hupes. As soon as I heard Adam open his mouth, I read everything in the archives that related to him. For obvious reasons, I never bought from him again. His arrogance and avarice inspired me to caution. I concluded that there must be more like him in this business. I was correct. For that I thank him.

He's an extreme on one end of the scale as golfyx was on the other. Adam has succeeded in buying his way to what he perceives as credibility but for my money he has less than many of the bottom feeders. He just keeps getting worse. All that potential for good wasted. He's as mad as the proverbial hatter. Quality and integrity are not synonymous, especially when considering a purchase from Adam.

Why would anyone finance this money grubbing husk of an empty soul by buying his treacherously hyped booty?

Take Care,

Received on Sat 06 May 2006 09:14:46 PM PDT

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