[meteorite-list] Show in Gifhorn

From: Ingo Herkstroeter <metopaster_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 6 13:25:50 2006
Message-ID: <8774.1146936347_at_www114.gmx.net>

Hi Folks!

I have just returned from Gifhorn, a small meteorite show in nothern
Germany! I have met Hanno Strufe there and saw the new 1,3 kg diogenite
individual, which he has posted to the list a while back, just incredible!!!

If I wouldn?t be a student (with only a small budget) I would have bought
it! It?s a shame, that some of us haven?t the money, they want to have! :)

Hanno, THANKS for the chance to see it and for the chance to hold it in my

Best Wishes

(IMCA# 2074)

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Received on Sat 06 May 2006 01:25:47 PM PDT

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