[meteorite-list] Self Proclaimed Pairings Issues (SPPI)

From: David Weir <dgweir_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 5 15:48:22 2006
Message-ID: <445BAC02.8020008_at_earthlink.net>

yea but...

Stan wrote:

> there are no 'rules' when it comes to offering material for sale
> (other than not violating copyrights). The NomCom, the IMCA and Adam
> Hupe are NOT regulatory bodies who have the authority to police the
> hobby/industry nor make binding resolutions that must be followed.
> Collectors are entitled to DISCLOSURE. There is nothing wrong with
> saying 'I belive this material to be paired to xxx' because a dealer
> who says that is giving his customer information to use in making a
> purchasing decision. It should be up to the collector to decide if
> the dealer's judgement is sufficent guarantee as to the identity of a
> prospective purchase. If a collector wants to buy only 'offical'
> material thats fine, if the collector doesnt mind buying unofficial
> material that is fine too.
> To suggest otherwise is like saying any coin dealer who sells
> anything but pcgs slabs is out to screw his customers - in short, BS.
Received on Fri 05 May 2006 03:48:18 PM PDT

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