[meteorite-list] PA Bolide of July 23rd 2001

From: KHe1144783_at_aol.com <KHe1144783_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 5 11:12:34 2006
Message-ID: <40e.a91bfd.318b8c4c_at_aol.com>

In a message dated 5/4/2006 10:45:01 AM Central Standard Time,
bolidechaser_at_yahoo.com writes:

I went back East and interviewed eye-witnesses and
triangulated their sightings. I narrowed-down Jim
Richardson's original results to an area in Central PA
somewhere south of Coudersport and west of Wellsboro.
This is the most dense forest in the entire state and
is actually known as the "Grand Canyon of PA".
Most unfortunate drop zone.

No meteorites were ever recovered.

Bob V.

Bob; I worked on this bolide sighting for a while when it was brought up a
few years ago and narrowed the search area down to an area about 5 miles south
of Austin. A lot of unknowns here and eyewitness accounts are invaluable when
 trying to home in on it. If we traveled to the area right after the fall,
the information gathered from the locals would have been fresh in their minds.
Nailing down the last close encounter is the key. It saves weeks off the
hiking time. I should know. Kris Henkel
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