[meteorite-list] Treasure Hunters: what big main masses you have

From: Pat Brown <radio_ranch_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 1 20:07:55 2006
Message-ID: <20060502000303.56425.qmail_at_web51308.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello Fellow Meteorite List Members,

I enjoy this list very much. The list touches on great
science and great access to meteorites for collection
and study. Ignorant rants from Thaddeus Besedin (if
that is in fact his name) do not fit the purpose of
this list. I respectfully suggest that our moderator
should just exclude Mr. Besedin's posts until he can
conduct himself in a proper and cordial way.

Respectfully yours in science,
                       Pat Brown

--- Thaddeus Besedin <endophasy_at_yahoo.com> wrote:

> I work on threatened prehistoric complexes in
> California. Should I have to wave my phallus in the
> air for you? You still don't get the point. Mistakes
> I or anyone have made in the past should not condemn
> one to the same trajectory. Are you saying an
> institution cannot rectify an inertia treacherously
> corrupt?
> How childish to deny our detrimental shortcuts.
> Credentials? Should a degree of pedagogy (the
> degrees of pedagogy) dictate our integrity? No,
> instead, let the glory of cable television give us
> brimmed hats, rugged stubble, and the bodies of
> amorous feminine opportunists: the romance of any
> free-for-all and the pleasure that a carte blanche
> has to coffer. You wouldn't give a sh*t if it was
> just a radiolarian-rich sediment or a fragment of
> debitage.
> Dave Freeman mjwy <dfreeman_at_fascination.com> wrote:
> What have YOU done to preserve science? And, what
> do you have in your collection that you shouldn't
> have (meaning anything that wasn't correctly
> scientifically removed)? Exactly what are your
> credentials to be knowledgeable to whine..?
> It is very easy for those stoic office types to
> complain about those in the field doing the real
> Our western lands are not studied because the
> amateur is shut out by the scientific lobby in
> congress so the stuff just sits and gets eroded away
> by nature. In the CFR, under "artifacts" there is
> no penalty for collecting random arrowheads on the
> surface of the ground. So, don't forget that.
> Don't forget that private land still is private, and
> what may be collected there is not controlled by
> blue footed boobies. Poo poo to all those that
> have an opinion but do nothing to support the cause.
> I am actually still surprised that anyone can own
> meteorites or artifacts of any kind with the few
> bone-heads-for-science that roam our country. There
> is nothing wrong with good science but letting
> things erode to nothing in the name of preservation
> is quite self serving for nothing.
> I will get of my soap box now. Mr. Dave and Mr.
> Jim....got me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> DAve F.
> Thaddeus Besedin wrote:
> They should be recovered, but we should be aware
> of how our excavation impacts other deposits. I'll
> let this rest, guys. You know my position by now.
> The same argument ("it will rot if I do nothing") is
> advanced by "relic" hunters who search rivers, but
> there is a major difference between surface hunting
> and excavation, and especially in the contexts of
> drainages and areas subject to mass wasting. to
> protect their "troves," looters typically do not
> disclose the provenances of their finds when offered
> for sale, if at all they have been conscientious
> enough to record a GPS position. Such negligence is
> irresponsible, and proves that the motive for these
> activities is itself personal gain. Seriously, the
> prices that these meteorites yield would be better
> deserved if all sciences involved with the thin,
> fragile surface of the earth are considered. This
> would be the attitude of a professional in any other
> invasive field.
> -Thaddeus
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