[meteorite-list] Tucson Thank You & Brenham Info
From: MeteorHntr_at_aol.com <MeteorHntr_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Mar 22 21:20:09 2006 Message-ID: <330.866ff6.31530720_at_aol.com> Hello List, While this is coming a little late, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone that came to visit us in our room at the Inn Suites, our booth at the Main Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, and the Meteor Mayhem Birthday Bash. It turned out to be an amazing show for my family (attending for the first time this year) and for me. A very special "Thank You" needs to be extended to all of you on this list that participated in the positive support and "vote" that Phil and I should receive a special "Peoples Choice" Harvey Award. While the secret was out as soon as Greg's initial post hit this list, and the replies started coming in, it was still a great honor to receive. Geoff Notkin and I thought it would be cool several years ago to start giving out awards at our party for a couple of reasons. The party is a great venue for giving the awards since so many people in the Meteorite Community gather in Tucson each year. Geoff and I realized early on that we really do have an amazing group of men and women in our field of collecting. It only seemed fit that someone attempt to recognize these people and their great accomplishments. And if it wasn't us, then who? The Fossil guys? I don't think so! How about the gem stone people? Not a chance. If it was going to be done, it had to be done by someone within our field, so Geoff and I decided to run with it. We have always said that the party is around 2% about our Birthdays, and 98% about an excuse for meteorite people to get together and have some fun. While we like to toss in some humorous Harvey Awards at times, it really has grown into a very respected event. And this year being on the receiving end really was very special. As I write this, I am now back in the Brenham strewnfield area trying to tie up some of the loose ends. Things like dealing with poachers, doing a little more hunting before the wheat starts growing, and of course marketing the specimens we have found. Speaking of poachers, I think most of you know this, but I do want to reiterate this just to be sure: The Brenham specimen that was placed into Michael Blood's auction then had to be removed from the auction at the last second due to the fact that it was illegally poached (and the true land owner found out about it and caught the poachers before it was too late), WAS NOT one of our (Brenham Meteorite Company's) specimens! I want everyone one to know that we have legal title on ALL of our specimens. We have video footage of them coming out of the ground, usually with the land owners present in the filming of the dig. We offer Certificates of Authenticity, that establish provenance for each and every specimen. It is our intention to establish and obtain a premium on our specimens with each COA, just as receiving an ID car with a specimen from Wards, AML, or AMM adds value to those specimens. Only we hope that we don't have to be long dead for that added value to be established. :-) Rest assured that when you buy one of our specimens, you don't have to worry about an angry land owner showing up after your money is gone, demanding his specimen back! While our recovery project has garnered some great publicity due to the 1,430 pound find, there is more to come. We have hired a professional cameraman who has been recording each dig for our upcoming TV documentary. Now there are things that could go wrong and prevent the documentary from being completed, so it is not guaranteed, but it is our full intention to press through to make it a reality. This type of exposure will only help increase the value of our Brenham specimens over the Non-BMC Brenham specimens. So keep that in mind if you are shopping for Brenham in the future. We are not sure what else might get poached and brought to the market, and of course there are very legal specimens that have been found in the past. Just remember if you are considering buying a Brenham, if there isn't the BMC documentation with it, you will want to factor that into the price you are willing to spend. Right now, we are the only ones selling BMC Brenham specimens. As time passes other dealers will offer BMC Certified Brenhams. With each one expect to receive documentation of when it was found, where it was found, by whom it was found, and from which specimen it came from (if it is a slice). We give out COAs with the PURCHASERS name on the document. So if you buy one of ours from someone else, request that documentation of your purchase from them (and the COA from us to them) be included to preserve the provenance of your historical piece. A couple moments of effort now could very well add substantial value to your piece down the road. And if your piece happens to become a "TV Star" by showing up in the documentary or elsewhere, then you will have one more thing to brag about. Speaking of acquiring Brenham specimens, people have been asking, and we will have some Brenham specimens and slices up for sale on our website www.BrenhamMeteoriteCompany.com soon. Stay tuned for that announcement, likely to come from our awesome webmaster Geoff Notkin. Also, if you are a dealer, and you have a customer that might be interested in something we have, please contact me ASAP to discuss how we might be able to work out a win-win arrangement. I did another interview for a major magazine this week. This particular article appears to be more about meteorite hunting and collecting, and the adventure side of it all, instead of highlighting the Brenham Main Mass. It should be a good article and I will let you know more when it is ready to come out. We are expecting 2006 to be a great year! Thanks again to all of you who have already helped make it a stellar year! Steve Arnold P.S. I am going to post an ad here on the list very shortly that will contain some of the remaining few items from the Eugene Cornelius Collection, for those of you who did not get a chance to see them in my room in Tucson. Received on Wed 22 Mar 2006 03:01:36 PM PST |
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