[meteorite-list] partial collection sale - help me stay in school, which requires time I may have to spend working longer, and buy textbooks!
From: Thaddeus Besedin <endophasy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Mar 20 09:35:23 2006 Message-ID: <20060320104608.81782.qmail_at_web32814.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Hello. My state government aid has been cut dramatically due to the repercussions of implemenatation of responses to general budgetary concerns, such as subsequently revised economic qualification standards in California. Plus, I have possibly exceeded the maximum number of units that my school permits one to have to qualify for federal aid, and I have yet to receive any check. This will take some time to sort out., although I recognize that this is my problem. Due to these conditions and my extrapolated poverty, I must sell a large portion of my modest collection. I collected for reference purposes, choosing fascinating petrographies over rarity or value. Amphoterites were a special concern of mine, as well as extrusions and examples of metamorphic grades and carbonaceous chondrite metasomatism. Buy all (please - I just want to break even), and we'll discuss a significant discount. Plus, I'll trade for a good laptop, certain books and analytic instruments. I will entertain and consider individual offers on more expensive specimens. All specimens have been handled with chlorine-free gloves and have been stored in perforated polyethylene bags in inert storage containers with loose lids - all sealed in one large bag with a well-maintained container of silica gel. There is no advancing oxidation, and my climate is dry (So. California). Plus, I may get to the OC and iron specimens that I have (at least 60 more specimens). These were all purchased originally from reputable dealers (e.g. Hupes, Mike Farmer, Michael Cottingham et al.). Thank you for the inbox space. -Thaddeus Besedin Millbillillie eucrite .7 g crusted part slice $12 Dhofar 300 metamorphosed eucrite breccia - colorful 3.26 g part slice $125 NWA 1646 eucrite S5 W1 TKW: 259g .834 g part slice $20, part slice .8 g $19 I have heard that there is a possibility that this stone originated on or near Mercury. Can someone clarify this? Anorthite clasts give this a lunar appearance. NWA 1109 polymict eucrite 0.8 g part slice $8 possibly a howardite, since some samples have been determinied to contain >10% diogenitic orthopyroxene inclusions NWA 1282 Howardite TKW: 21g! 0.618 g $27, .74g $31 part slices http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.php?code=32155 Pena Blanca Aubrite .432 g part slice $14 ORDINARY CHONDRITES: NWA 1930 LL3 S2 W2 3.98g thin slice $14 NWA 1945 LL3 end cut 2.322g S1 W2 $10 NWA 1283 (provisionally classified by Rubin at UCLA as an LL3), L3.7 or LL3 (according to the metoritical society) 1.5 g slice S1 TKW 44g $35 absolutely stunning multi-colored radial pyroxene chondrules! http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.php?code=32156 Tag 019 LL3.7 part slice 3.5 g $13 NWA 984 LL4 part slice 7.6 g S3 W2 $26 TKW reported at 89g http://internt.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/research-curation/projects/metcat/detail.dsml?Key=N1615.984 NWA 3125 LL5 S2 W2 TKW: 577g 2.5g part slice $7.50, 2.854 g end cut $8.25 NWA 1794 LL5 end cut TKW: 398g S2 W1 2.7 g $6 http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.php?code=17477 NWA 1809 LL6 TKW: 214g S2 W2 tri-color breccia, unique and symetrically and compositionally well-zoned (red/grey/blue) - almost laminated 5.3 g thin part slice with crust $26 NWA 1701 LL5 IMB TKW 225 g 2.9 g part slice $100 This was cut from the fine-grained, heavily shock-metamorphosed section. file http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2006/pdf/1454.pdf NWA 1584 LL5 end cut 2.6g S2 W1 $10 NWA 2499 LL6 colorful breccia S4 W3 TKW 82g 2.17 end cut nice crust $12 Bensour LL6 S4 W0 .6 g 50% crusted fragment $5 Dhofar 011 LL7 S3 W3 TKW 150g 1.69 g part slice $65 NWA 2127 L4 complex regolith breccia part slice .262g S 2-4 W 1 TKW 45.2g $30 Haxtun H/L4 part slice 2.8 $7 Djoumine H5-6 S3 W0 1.2g fragment $10 RUMURUTIITES: NWA 978 R 3.8 1.06g S3 W2 $12 NWA 753 R 3.9 .95g part slice $10 NWA 800 R4 W3 1.6g end cut $12 CARBONACEOUS CHONDRITES: NWA 1907 CK5 TKW 476g 1.98 g part slice $55 Allende 2.11 individual, fresh (old recovery) - excellent scale-like crust contraction fissures (65% total), oviform; other than impact scar - complete $12 DaG 082 CO3 3g end cut $15 NWA 1465 CV3 anom. slice, less weathering than usual 1.33 g $19 NWA 2502 CV3 anom. S2-3 W3 TKW 590g slice 1.52 g $22 NWA 2180 CV3 TKW 369.3 g slice 2.6g $22 NWA 801 CR2: beautiful 5.4 g slice - all metal rust-free and intact! a thin presentation slice with evenly spaced, complete and well-preserved proportional chondrules. many are completely surrounded by Fe-Ni $115, 1.4 g part slice $27 1.5 g end cut (large black xenolithic inclusion) $30 1.6g end cut $30 0.7g complete individual $14 Taza plessitic octahedrite 3.1g individual $20 --------------------------------- Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/attachments/20060320/bd0c6bb2/attachment.html Received on Mon 20 Mar 2006 05:46:08 AM PST |
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