[meteorite-list] enough already

From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Mar 12 18:06:59 2006
Message-ID: <20060312230656.83386.qmail_at_web31507.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

I have to say that I am finding this "sucking up" to
art and talking about "respect for him" and such is
very amusing. By publicly spamming the list with
complaints rather than complain to art in private I am
suspicious that certain individuals are trying to make
themselves look "holy" rather than trying to solve an
actual problem. This is especially amusing given that
last year before the one a week "Big steve and matteo"
 rule came into effect art publicly said that he didnt
care and only put the rule in place after more
complaint emails were received than Steve and matteo
sent in the first place.
That being said there comes a point where enough sale
postings is enough. After all, do one really need to
advertise ebay auctions 5 times a week to the same
people (And Steve, think about it, you are offering
the same rocks twice a day - are you really getting
enough sales on each new posting to make it worthwhile
- and at the same time compensate for the ill will you
are generating and lost sales because of that).
Before this new "Big Steve and Matteo" rule came into
effect things went nicely. People who regularly sent a
lot of sale postings (A group that includes myself,
farmer, the hupes, cottingham, blood, bob and others
as well as people who post less regularly) did send
regular sale postings and while certain people didnt
like it (Steve shooner comes to mind) nobody was
really upset at the number of sale postings. It was
only after Steve and matteo went a bit (OK, more than
a bit) overboard that people started complaining. This
whole thing is an isolated problem.
However, the one a week rule (Assuming one religiously
followed it) causes new problems that affects not only
dealers but other list members. Everybody (Except
Steve and Matteo) made postings that were spread out
and not overly irritating and was often done to
announce new offerings. For example, me and other
dealers who get moroccan stuff would make more
postings after trips, Blood makes more marketing
postings before Tucson about his auctions ect but then
you rarely hear from him. Even matteo announced a new
martian a couple times. These sale postings are more
than sale postings (Sometimes) and many list members
are interested in these new announcements even if they
are not nterested in buying. For example if some
dealer announces a new lunar or achondrite having a
sale with the announcement makes sense. And if
somebody reading the announcement and looks at the new
pictures of a new meteorite (And many dealers make
stunning photos of their meteorites which interests a
lot of people) it would be considered normal in almost
any industry to have to sit through an ad to learn
about it. You have to sit through an ad to watch a
video on cnn.com or on TV for example.
Is it really fair for example to limit blood to one ad
a week before a major meteorite event in february
(when he needs a dozen postings as he asks for
submissions, updates to the sale, logistics on how to
submit auctions or find the venue ect) when you rarely
hear from him (With sale postings) the rest of the
year? Before I left Canada I had a lot of postings as
I was liquidating stuff (Including once a "Third day
in a row" sale which ironically drew complaints of
spamming from matteo) and dealers coming from morocco
or after tucson, munich or ensisheim advertsiing new
things that they acquired.
Many list members are interested in these postings.
And many are also interested in new ebay listings. The
delete button is very useful and deleting an extra 4
pieces of spam a day when you usually get dozens is
not such a big hassle.
But the new "One a week Big Steve and Matteo rule" is
making this more difficult if everyone if religiously
followed and reduces the overall value of the list.
Matteo said earlier today that he "Prefers 2 a week".
I am sure nobody would complain if it was indeed "2 a
week". He probably does that now anyway and nobody
complains or even notices. I would also expect more
sale postings made around the time of the big shows.
Of course this is Arts list and he can make whatever
rules he wants but the new rule was made due to lots
of complaints about big steve and matteos dozens of
postings and more than the dealers making the postings
are suffering. Art has pretty much ignored this
violation and unless somebody groosely violates it
(Like steve this week) I doubt Art cares to much.
But if one wants to complain complain to art - not to
the other 600 members who dont have the power to
change anything anyway - postings that has alraedy
generated more hard feeings than steves postings ever
What do you expect to acompolish by complaining to the
other 600 list members anyway? I suspect that one is
trying to make themselves look "holy" as complaining
to Art would be the actual intelligent thing to do.
Obviously a group discussion might be useful to but
not to the extend of the bloodletting that has been
going on.
But this is an isolated problem and involves two
individuals and everybody is suffering because of the
new Steve/Matteo one a week rule.
My 2 cents

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