AW: Re-2: [meteorite-list] Possible meteorite fall in Northeast Brazil

From: Martin Altmann <>
Date: Wed Mar 8 07:12:57 2006
Message-ID: <003c01c642a9$56b0a040$936cfea9_at_name86d88d87e2>


Nobody said, that it's a Pultusk,
But because of the lack of the short-living isotopes, which are produced by
cosmic rays while a stone travels through space and which aren't refilled
anylonger, when the stone lies shielded by the atmosphere and the
terrestrial magnetic field on the ground, one can measure the terrestrial
age from meteorites, the time how long they were lying here on Earth.

First: Your Tessera was measured in Cologne. The result was, that it neither
didn't originated from the bolide, you said you had observed 2 weeks ago nor
that it is a fresh fall - as it has a terrestrial age not of weeks or
months, but of many years or decades.
That is a hard fact.

Secondly your Tessera showed good black crust, no rust.
The climate in your region maybe hot in Summer, but arid it is not.
Tessera didn't saw much rain, dew, frost, humidity.
How can it thus be, that a stone, which lies for many years in the Italian
soil, can be so fresh?
Conclusio: It stems from an old fall (see its terrrestial age), but must
have been picked up shortly after the fall as it isn't oxidized.
So it was said as an example, that it is something LIKE Pultusk, not Pultusk

Thirdly: The 9 stones were found so close to each other as it is only the
case with huge showers of stones.

(Fourthly: The stones were found just 500m away from your house.)

(Fifthly: You found those stone 3 years after you got your first meteorites
and when you had obviously not the knowledge yet, that you should have
considered point "First - Thirdly" before your made your "finds")

(Sixthly: You "found" by your own within a few years only not less than 5
different meteorites in your small home region Veneto, which is highly
populated, has a rich vegetation, agriculture, wet climate - the most
unsuitable place for finding meteorites and the Veneto has a surface of
18,264 sqkm. It is 38 times smaller than Texas, 16 times smaller than
Nevada or Arizona or Colorado - so despite your lack of experience you are,
congratulations, a much better hunter than Nininger & Monnig were together,
gimme a break!! A meteorite on the beach. Put a chondrite for a year in

Point one to three are the FACTS - and no "insinuations"-
Four to Six are speculations, which immediately comes to the mind of a
meteorite collector with experience and for which you are gladly invited to
call me an "idiot", who should "shut up".

Each one is free to come to his own conclusions..


PS: We all are still waiting for the trace element data of your Umbria iron.

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
[] Im Auftrag von M come
Meteorite Meteorites
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. M?rz 2006 08:21
Betreff: Re: Re-2: [meteorite-list] Possible meteorite fall in Northeast

and for who continue to broken on this fact, this is
the result of the magnetic susceptibility take from
prof. Rochette in the 2001

Tessera H4 LogX 5.29
Pultusk H5 LogX 4.74
Pultusk H5 LogX 4.57
Pultusk H5 LogX 5.42
Pultusk H5 LogX 5.40

etc... etc...


--- ha scritto:

> > No, not from the beach, but perhaps 550 yards away
> > from a meteorite passionate's house in Tessera ...
> Oh, c'mon folks, prove it or leave it !!!
> Bernd
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