[meteorite-list] Moon Water: A Trickle of Data and a Flood ofQuestions
From: Walter Branch <branchw_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Mar 6 12:14:12 2006 Message-ID: <00a201c64141$640f93e0$6a01a8c0_at_DrCollman> >space lawyers are at the ready to >voice legal opinions on tapping into any water ice found You have got to be kidding me... Wasn't a treaty signed long ago, similiar to one for Antartica, which basically stated the moon was owned by no one? -Walter Branch ----------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Baalke" <baalke_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> To: "Meteorite Mailing List" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 11:22 AM Subject: [meteorite-list] Moon Water: A Trickle of Data and a Flood ofQuestions > > http://space.com/scienceastronomy/060306_lunar_ice.html > > Moon Water: A Trickle of Data and a Flood of Questions > By Leonard David > space.com > 06 March 2006 > > NASA is in the process of scripting how best to plant new bootprints on > the Moon and take advantage of lunar resources that could prolong human > stays on that barren ball of rock. > > While the Moon is one desolate world, it could turn out to be a faraway > faucet of sorts. > > Robotic spacecraft - both the Pentagon's Clementine (1994) and NASA's > Lunar Prospector (1998-1999) missions - point to the promise that the Moon > is a literal watering hole for crews. > > Permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles, called "cold traps," > might be repositories of water ice. More importantly, this reserve could > be converted to oxygen, drinkable water, even rocket fuel. > > However, water ice on the Moon is far from being a slam dunk deduction. > There is ongoing dispute about whether or not such frozen caches of > water reside in sunshine-deprived lunar craters. > > NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2008 will dive into the issue. > Future robotic Moon landers are expected to plop down at polar regions > for a spot check too. In the interim, space lawyers are at the ready to > voice legal opinions on tapping into any water ice found. > > Unique illumination conditions > > There is "intriguing evidence" that, potentially, water ice on the Moon > exists in fairly significant amounts, said Ben Bussey, a lunar expert at > the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, > Maryland. > > NASA's Lunar Prospector clearly identified an enhanced signal of > hydrogen - an indication that nobody has any qualms with, Bussey told > SPACE.com. "But there's the argument ... is it hydrogen or is the > hydrogen in a form of water ice?" > > The Pentagon's Clementine lunar orbiter yielded data that, some > scientists contend, gave a positive indication for ice inside > Schackleton crater, situated at the Moon's south pole. > > Yet there is controversy about that interpretation, Bussey noted, adding > that Earth-based radar of that area, some argue, reflect more a signal > of rocks and not ice. > > "The [lunar] poles represent the biggest unknowns," Bussey said, leaving > the scientific community hungry for new information. "We definitely know > that the poles have unique illumination conditions with the potential > for permanent sunshine. We know that there's lots of permanent shadow > which could contain ice." > > In the big scheme of things, looking for ice does not, in itself, merit > going back to the Moon. > > "But if it's there ... and it is there in enough quantity to be > extractable and usable, then I can see there's a potential where you > want to use it. It makes your life easier," Bussey said. On the other > hand, he questioned, if it is there, is it in a form that makes it > viable to be used? > > Cometary frost > > Apollo 17 moonwalker and geologist Harrison Schmitt questions the > availability of water ice at the lunar poles. > > For one, NASA's Lunar Prospector detected what must be largely solar > wind hydrogen, Schmitt told SPACE.com. The only areas where water ice > might be contributing to that signal are places where permanent > shadowing exists near the poles, he said. > > "Indeed, cometary volatiles - including water ice - probably precipitate as > frost in permanent shadow at the lunar poles," Schmitt said, something > that has been shown theoretically by a number of researchers. The > longevity of this frost, however, is subject to the rate of > micrometeorite and solar wind erosion, he noted. > > "Unless the cometary frost, including water ice, is buried quickly by > fortuitous impact ejecta or is partially protected in a very deep crater > with permanent shadow, it will probably disappear in a geologically > short time," Schmitt advised. > > No doubt, finding cometary frosts in deep, permanently shadowed craters > will be scientifically very interesting, the moonwalker said. "However, > I would not yet count on finding economically significant water ice > deposits." > > Schmitt said that potentially substantial amounts of solar wind hydrogen > are present everywhere on the Moon along with helium-4, helium-3, carbon > and nitrogen. Hydrogen and helium concentrations are clearly higher in > polar regions independent of whether there is cometary water ice. > > "So those of us interested in lunar helium-3 fusion power are very > interested in more precise mapping of hydrogen distribution as a > surrogate for helium-3. We hope that the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter > will provide such information," Schmitt said. > > Touch the water > > The prospect of finding water ice at the Moon's poles is indeed > arguable, said Larry Taylor, Director of the Planetary Geosciences > Institute at the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at the > University of Tennessee in Knoxville. > > Taylor, like other lunar experts, said it's imperative that we "touch > the water." Doing so is the only way to know if water ice is there in > the first place. And if truly present and accounted for, then other > questions follow: How much, what quality, and how hard to process? > > "The only way to solve this major question" of water ice on the Moon, > Taylor emphasized, is not from orbit. > > "There does not appear to be any instruments that are completely > definitive, even from 'near' remote sensing, such as on a simple > lander," Taylor told SPACE.com. "It is not only necessary to determine > that there might be water ice, but the quantities and composition." > > The makeup of any lunar water ice, coupled with some oxygen isotopes, > would go a long way toward assigning an origin to the water, Taylor > added, be it hydrous meteorites, comets, or water vapor yielded through > the interaction between solar wind and impact-melted lunar surface material. > > Customary law > > Let's say that, indeed, water ice is on hand at the Moon. Use of that > material from a legal point of view is seen by some space law experts as > contentious. > > For instance, could the amount of water ice be extremely limited? So > much so that one nation sucking up all of this precious resource could > be viewed by other nations as tantamount to a land grab? > > "There will be legal implications when the time comes if and when water > ice is finally extracted," said Harold Bashor, editor-in-chief of the > Journal of Diplomatic Language for the American Graduate School of > International Relations and Diplomacy in Paris, France. He is author of > "The Moon Treaty Paradox" (Xlibris Corporation, 2004). > > "According to international law found in the well-ratified United > Nations Outer Space Treaty of 1967, celestial bodies such as the Moon > may be used and exploited, but they cannot be appropriated by any > country," Bashor said. "Although the subsequent Moon Treaty has only > been ratified by eleven nations, (the United States is not a signatory) > it cannot be overlooked since it embodies many of the provisions of the > comprehensive Outer Space Treaty and customary law as well." > > Peaceful purposes > > Bashor said that if a country should decide to utilize lunar water > ice - or any other resource - on Earth's celestial neighbor, it would be > necessary to inform the United Nations of the activities concerned with > such exploitation. Secondly, any use of the Moon must be for peaceful > purposes, he said. > > "For scientific purposes, as example, a country could use water, > minerals and other substances in quantities appropriate for the support > of their missions as long as the existing balance of the lunar > environment would not be disrupted," Bashor advised. > > Furthermore, since the Moon is to be explored and exploited for peaceful > uses, Bashor said, countries may not interfere with the activities of > any other countries on the Moon, and any conflict must be reported to > the United Nations. > > No rights of ownership > > Activities on the Moon may be pursued freely without any discrimination > of any kind, and countries can place vehicles, personnel, stations, and > facilities anywhere on or below the surface. > > "However, neither the surface nor the subsurface of the Moon can become > the property of any country or its citizens. Also, there are no rights > of ownership for any natural resources in place," Bashor told SPACE.com. > "This is generally interpreted to mean that a country may not claim > ownership of any resources until they have been extracted. Yet, any > extraction is required to be for the benefit of mankind according to the > Common Heritage of Mankind principle." > > Additionally, the Moon Treaty of 1979 provides that an international > regime should be established when any exploitation of the Moon is "about > to become feasible," Bashor observed. "The purpose of this regime would > be the orderly and safe development, management, and sharing of the > natural resources of the Moon," he said. > > While the use of water ice would be permitted in order to support any > mission on the Moon, "any further use would be scrutinized especially if > it was for military or other illegal uses," Bashor concluded. > > Without protest > > "Whether lunar ice exists or not, its legal status can be a good > intellectual exercise," suggested Virgiliu Pop, a PhD candidate at > Glasgow University in Scotland and a specialist in space law focused on > property rights in outer space. > > Pop is author of Unreal Estate: The Men who Sold the Moon (Exposure > Publishing, 2006). > > Interestingly enough, Pop pointed out, the legal status of ice right > here on Earth is not completely settled. There is no set answer to the > question who owns Earth's South Pole, he advised. > > In Antarctica, there is a small sliver, reaching down to the South Pole, > claimed at the same time by the United Kingdom, Chile, and Argentina. > The 1959 Antarctic > Treaty may have frozen territorial claims, but that document did not > clarify who > owns what in Antarctica, Pop said. > > "Nonetheless, ice is used by scientific expeditions. Yet, in Antarctica, > ice is abundant. At the same time, while Antarctic icebergs have no > clear legal status either, several > icebergs have been mined for ice without any protests," Pop explained. > > Free for all or free-for-all? > > The principal sources of ice in the solar system are the comets. It's > the view of Pop that comets and smaller asteroids should not be > considered celestial bodies proper. Thus, they would not be subject to > national appropriation. They would be treated as floating ore bodies, he > suggested, "like icebergs on Earth." > > Regarding lunar ice, the Outer Space Treaty provides that the Moon is > free for use by all States, Pop added, who are granted free access to > all of its areas. At the same time, States Parties are to conduct all > their lunar activities with due regard to the corresponding interests of > all other States Parties to the Treaty. > > "It is of my opinion that astronauts will not encounter any legal > troubles when using the native materials of the Moon - ice included - to > support their exploration," Pop told SPACE.com. "My own interpretation > is that anybody is allowed to use lunar ice, provided there is enough > for others to use." > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Mon 06 Mar 2006 12:14:11 PM PST |
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