[meteorite-list] Dhofar 007 - anomalous eucrite

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jun 29 15:57:47 2006
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000000B0000029D_at_paulinet.de>

A heads-up to those interested in eucrites, and in particular,
to those who own a piece (or more) of this fantastic eucrite.
I own a small, 0.94-gram piece that I got from Christian Anger
and one of those gorgeous slices (16 grams) I. Koutyrev offered
on EBay a while ago.

There is an article in the June 2006 issue of MAPS:

YAMAGUCHI A. et al. (2006) An anomalous eucrite, Dhofar 007,
and a possible genetic relationship with mesosiderites.
(MAPS 41-6, 2006, 863-874)

See also:

YAMAGUCHI A. et al. (2003) An anomalous eucrite, Dhofar 007,
and a possible genetic relationship with mesosiderites.
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV (2003) 1377.pdf).

Best wishes,

Received on Thu 29 Jun 2006 03:57:15 PM PDT

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