[meteorite-list] Fraudulent Trade?

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jun 28 07:44:56 2006
Message-ID: <482.3bc3d1f.31d3c5ad_at_aol.com>

Michael B. wrote:
>> While it appears there may be significant other issues in this case,
>> it is none of my business - nor anyone else's on the list,
The central point is that the emotions and incredible sums of money and
meteorite transaction reputation involved here beg for an orderly negotiation in
good faith by both parties' initiative - I think all unsolicited commenters
actually agree!! That's where the list could realistically provide positive
inspiration to both parties.
It seems to be getting harder and harder to draw the line between the
necessities and the excedents. I agree with you on many points and am sad to see
how the positive ideas you integrated in your post are overlooked due to some
of your other revolutionary suggestions which many don't necessarily share
but certainly some appreciate. While our conclusions may be different, I think
you have a bullseye when you suggest that multiple viewpoints exist without
your commenting on justification or lack of it, and that encouraging dialog
is essential to break this impasse. I get the vibe that you suggest that
thirst for victory might be sweet by unchecked public flogging, but point out we
are hopefully less savage in this age and I would add need the discipline to
be respectful of our adversaries under all circumstances if we wish to
obtain clean equity.
Since I support your ideas thus discussed, the variations we then have are
only academic. So as not to detract, I got to thinking of these verses, which
perhaps some cultured linguist could help me through. Somehow they were
resurrected to life from the ashes falling out of my inbox after another
deletathon. I hope you at least agree with it to a point as applied. Damn Horacio
who said it before - I certainly could not have said it better by any means:
Qualem commendes, etiam atque etiam aspice, ne mox
incutiant aliena tibi peccata pudorem.
Fallimur et quondam non dignum tradimus; ergo
quem sua culpa premet, deceptus omitte tueri,
ut penitus notum, si temptent crimina, serues
tuterisque tuo fidentem praesidio; qui
dente Theonino cum circumroditur, ecquid
ad te post paulo uentura pericula sentis?
Apologies for the plagerized Latin, but I would feel foolish attempting a
translation failing to do justice to these maxims. I thought you might
appreciate it Michael as I picture Horacio melodically relating this stanza to both
you and me in an olive garden where both participants boldly picked there own
branches. I beg your pardon if I am mistaken or wrong to try to express my
sometimes eccentric thoughts, or if I am too long on the soapbox, or putting
you to sleep. This time they concern a situation that could destroy most
meteorite aficionados' collecting careers and scare many a collector into
remission. The wall next door is aflame.
Saludos, Doug
P.S. I am agreeing less and less with these public floggings for the simple
reason that the resolutions are rarely publicized. A responsible feedback
mechanism should also include what finally happened IMO when dealing with the
reputation of a fellow aficionado.
Received on Wed 28 Jun 2006 07:44:45 AM PDT

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