From: Martin Altmann <>
Date: Fri Jun 23 00:56:59 2006 Message-ID: <000601c69629$77ca4cd0$4f41fea9_at_name86d88d87e2> Harrumph: When Phaeton Sleeps What do I care for falling stars, For meteors, for Moon, for Mars? My name in Mr Buckleboo and I'm a real a... Martin Edmund Altmann -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Robert Verish Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2006 10:46 An: Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral Betreff: [meteorite-list] Fwd: METEOR CONTEMPORARY POETRY PROJECT ---------------- Forward Message ----------------- Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 00:57:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Valentin Grigore <> Subject: METEOR CONTEMPORARY POETRY PROJECT (7) METEOR CONTEMPORARY POETRY PROJECT (7) - Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (, Alastair McBeath (, Valentin Grigore ( - In this issue: I. FALLEN STAR II. METEOR DIALOGUES III. METEOR POEMS IV. HUMOROUS METEOR TRIALOGUE V. PERSEIDS - ROMANIAN MEMORIES VI. MAGELLANIC CLOUDS AND METEORS Previous issues: -Leonid 2002 Poetry – prologue, December 2002 -MCPP (1), June 2003 -MCPP (2), December 2003 -MCPP (3), June 2004 -The Song of the IMC – a September 2004 supplement by Jeremie Vaubaillon -MCPP (4), December 2004 -MCPP (5), June 2005 -MCPP (6), December 2005 The next issue, for which we wait for submissions, will appear at the winter solstice 2006. - Coordinators - "I wish all of you many moments of appreciation of the beauty of the world, not in the least of the night sky and of meteors!" - Cis Verbeeck (Belgium) - I. FALLEN STAR COSMIC STONES - by Arnold Leinweber (1920-2006, Romania) - We know that the meteoroids gravitating without station could be virtual meteors. We also know that Terra travelling on its own orbit has a cloth - the protecting atmosphere. In contact with the atmosphere, they begin to disintegrate seeming to be falling stars. If they do not totally burn in the atmosphere, they drop on Terra - a strange blend becoming museum pieces. The End. II. METEOR DIALOGUES FALLING STARS - by Iulian Olaru (Romania) and Dan Mitrut (Romania) - Iulian Olaru: Last night, a +2 magnitude meteor, coming from the zenith to the left of Gemini, made me think of the folk belief that someone dies when a star falls… Dan Mitrut: Another folk belief says that meteors are human souls climbing the sky at the person's birth. These beliefs are not contradictory, but complementary, because the people tried to transcend cosmic matter, to give soul to the sky and to give sense to the phenomena. That was the road from metaphysics to spirituality… METEORIC PHILOSOPHY OF THE EPHEMERIDES - by Mohamad Magdy (Egypt) and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (Romania) - Mohamad Magdy: I could make astronomical ephemerides for stars, comets, asteroids and all celestial phenomena… All I need is a work team to share… for goodness! Andrei Dorian Gheorghe: Unfortunately, the meteors are so ephemeral… ANOTHER YEAR - by John Francis Haines (U.K.) and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (Romania) - John Francis Haines: Very cold here, out mostly dry - in fact, it's been a very dry winter altogether. The garden's stirring into life, which means that Spring is just around the corner, then the endless round of lawn-mowing, hedge-clipping, will begin again for another year. Andrei Dorian Gheorghe: As well as the meteor observational campaigns, in order to take care of the celestial garden. III. METEOR POEMS SPHERICAL GEOMETRY - by Diana Maria Ogescu (Romania) - The Sky is an immense cupola. Heterogeneous seeds bear fruit, as in a solarium. >From seeds with people I came up too. Abyssal germens gave birth to the planets with orbits and fireball heads. METEOR - by Boris Marian (Romania) - Once, in the deep night, I heard a meteor passing. I'll never forget that late moment of rest, I seemed like a dead person alive, overwhelmed with fear, for that meteor didn't extinguish itself, but it said, with the voice of a raven… on my word, it was a meteor saying to me just: "Nevermore." LYRIDS - by Michaela Al. Orescu (Romania) - rumours of light the god Orpheus' lyre drips in April A TEAR FROM THE SKY - by Tania Tilici (Romania) - A tear from the sky comes to melt into the sea. Noise of the tear disturbs the waters, But after a while the sweet calm returns And the sea rearranges its blue ribbons As if nothing had happened. A child watching asks: "Oh, sky, Is your mirror so peaceful?" A NIGHT OF THE ETA AQUARIDS - by Alina Istrate (Romania) - I'm sorry_ the theme for today seems to have escaped into a parallel universe… I try to sketch an image of last night's sky, but whatever I would say, nothing compares with the feeling awake when all around you sleep (excepting a few drunken men, as stray as Eta Aquarid meteors), and you watch the stars… that immense universe with invincible barriers… Only by dreaming I can travel through the galaxies I patiently try to find… FIREBALL - by Roxana Petcu (Romania) - starting like a crazy being from among some fellow meteoroids… ending like a remembrance near a lonely giant… THE GREAT CHARIOT - by Doina Chilargi (Romania) - I shall choose a star from the Great Chariot to enlighten my road to you, and I shall give you my love in warm nights of May. And if you really want to be with me in nights full of dreaminess, we shall travel among the stars- a couple of meteors carried by the Great Chariot. ON OLYNTHOS SITE - by Steve Sneyd (U.K.) - from buried cellar digs meteorite, cleans, reads alpha omega, across millennia feels fear-wonder of last witness THE CONTRABAND ASTRONOMER - by Adrian Sima (Romania) - they arrested the contraband astronomer on a white night rummaging in his luggage they found a few corpses of meteors a line of a poem and a nice girl I HOPED - by Irina Cristescu (Romania) - I hoped I could believe in the skies, And stars would be my confidants, But I believed uselessly, The Sun didn't appear for me To distinguish stars in the ocean. Only the Moon lightens tenderly, But its light is The vibration of a sad poet, The chimera of a supernova, Or maybe a black hole With fireballs as sentinels. METEOR IMAGES FROM MY POEMS COMPOSED IN COMMUNIST POLITICAL PRISONS (4) 1957, AIUD PRISON. METEOR SHOWER - by Constantin Dumitrescu-Cunctator (Romania) - Over the mountains, mouths of dragons Pouring out fire, flames… As I seem to be Cunctator, Even Prometheus seems to be Their coordinator. HAIKU - by Sue Mill (Australia) - reflected in the still lake a meteor's tail TERRANOIA ON MARS - by Dan Mitrut (Romania) - A dust storm sending to the craters my red, crazy, whirling fear a glass thoroughfare a bare-footed path crying for water for the home stars fallen scales, drying wings crawling, jingling dying with the flight thrusting nails of meteorites twilight on Mars the Earth rising like a living e-mail hieroglyph LOVE FOR STARS - by Cristina Slovineanu (Romania) - As a poor meteor I wanted the sky Till it was filled With thousands of stars And I fell down Because my sparkle Wanted me burning >From the beginning STARRY CHILDHOOD - by Cornel Cuciureanu (Romania) - In my childhood I was fascinated by the canopy of heaven. I still feel those autumns with the strange perfume of the leaves fallen from poplar trees and birch trees, hammocks for me to sit down and to admire the sky full of stars, to watch the artificial satellites and to thrill with each meteor consuming of the fire on its own trajectory... FORCE OF METEOR - by Felicia Manea (Romania) - through the wing of the word its power runs falling into the universe AUTUMNALS - by Dominic Diamant (Romania) - astral hunter golden belt sparkling orionids quadruped mooing through the starry dust taurids SUPERPOSED MYTHOLOGIES - by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (Romania) - (Author's Note: In many mythologies, a fireball is often personified as a dragon-man.) "I'd drink some blood of a god!"- said the dragon-man, crushing with his fire tongue a lost hero. "Silence," I shouted, "don't blend the things!"- and I hit his face with my angel wings. "I'd drink some blood of a poltergeist!"- said the dragon-man, killing with his bright mace an innocent vampire. "Shut-up, fool," I shouted, "it would be a cosmic disaster!"- and I thrashed his hide with my devil horns. "Oh, I want blood of ponderous matter!"- said the dragon-man, scratching abominably its palms by my void knees. - composed in 1986 - I'M SORRY! - by Felicia Mohr (Romania) - I see stars falling in a group or solitaire. I never saw with true eyes the sky giving birth to stars. LEONIDS - SKY CONTROLLERS, 2004 NOVEMBER 18TH - by Catalin Paduraru (Romania) - Hooray!!! We had a clear night again! We saw a few Leonid meteors, but we couldn't avoid our 200mm telescope. So we also saw more galaxies in Leo, Coma Berenices and even Virgo (against boredom), photographed Saturn and Jupiter, and… checked some comets. Thanks, Leonids! We had a clear night again! Hooray!!! STRANGE NIGHT - by Tina Visarian (Romania) - The Cosmic Tree is burning and the Moon is red and broken, erupting meteors… GEMINIDS - by Diana Georgescu-Mitrut (Romania) - The sky is asleep. Covered by white blankets, he hardly watches the earth. The Lion to the right, tired Perseus to the left (waiting unhappy for the summer). Only the Twin Brothers, thinking of the closed New Year, would celebrate the winter coming through fireworks, to wish us a shining "welcome". A WISH TO THEY WHO LOVE THE RAINS OF STARS - by Cristian Cristian (Romania) - Clear skies outside, rains of joy inside! IV. HUMOROUS METEOR TRIALOGUE “stellar branches are so far away eternity is so pale and banal the flesh storm is destructive and the spirit storm is mortal” - Florian Saioc (Romania) - IF YOU WANT TO STOP A METEOR - by Razvan Andrei, Valeriu Tudose and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (all from Romania) - Razvan Andrei: The friction speed of the small bodies is significant, their fall speed is reduced, tens of kilograms falling make a hole smaller than if you hit the Earth with a maul. Why should I split the speed into components? Valeriu Tudose: The angle of a meteor entering into the atmosphere is important. If it enters vertically, it can be easier stopped than if it enters obliquely (a case in which the meteor's weight is opposed by the vertical component of the frictional force, which in the air is proportional to the square of the respective body). So, more oblique in the atmosphere (or if the horizontal component of the speed is bigger), more difficult to stop it. Andrei Dorian Gheorghe: If you, my friends, explain all these things to a meteor, I'm afraid he stops alone. V. PERSEIDS - ROMANIAN MEMORIES "Nothing in this world compares, in beauty and greatness, with that feeling lived in the Perseid nights beneath the stars…" - Valentin Grigore - METEOR IMAGES FROM MY POEMS COMPOSED IN COMMUNIST POLITICAL PRISONS (5) 1956, DEJ PRISON. PERSEID NIGHT - by Constantin Dumitrescu-Cunctator - Shadow of roe in the fantastic night call, Goddess sleeping in the fairy forest, Wind breezing gently a pine tree head… It's the August night when the stars fall. PERSEID HAIKU - by Iulian Olaru - First stars; the dance of the meteors opens the sky PERSEID NIGHTS - by Alin Tolea (Romania / U.S.A.) - Many of us learned the ways of the stars here. Many of us felt their souls furrowed by the mute passing of meteors and washed their gazes in the light of the galaxies placed at millions of light years. Many of us found under stars the hope that life has a new sense, and the wonders are possible at anytime… PERSEIDS 1995-2005 - by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe - I saw Perseid meteors from mountains, hills, fields, and I unconditionally admired their innocent sky games. I drink a glass of light for them: with their fascinating variations, the Perseids always remain a constant alternative against a crazy world. THE DARKNESS WE WAITED (memories from the Perseids 1997 expedition, Bunila, Romania) - by Calin Niculae - >From time to time, the long thunder of the airplanes crossing the sky arrived to us, through reverberations repeated by the roundness of the hills, to remember how passing is all. All, there, being in fact a kind of mixture of curious flying insects, herbs among the trees, meadows where hayricks are all day long combed by people to grow a little more, rivulets and springs, lights and silence somewhere far away, next to mountains. In the daytime, big birds with shades of cloud tried to tie the horizons, but the evening made them retire into other places. The sky became blue, wanting to be friendly with the world from below and the myriads of suns from above. I didn't understand if the weather is like the people there, or the people are like the weather, but for us it came the time to begin the ritual: when the night lowered over the hills, in the darkness we waited, we were already concentrated on the strange instruments that brought us closer to galaxies, nebulae, meteors. The day began again when the World bent to the Sun to put it above, and all repeated the same, without boring, with the small works of people, flying insects, herbs, birds. All was unchanged, excepting us: we were a little richer. PERSEID OBSERVER - by Dominic Diamant - In the heavenly garden rustling of mysteries, courageous flying beings with chimerical wings furrow the blossom canopy vibrating of high silence. They disappear beyond secret gates, leaving hopes for the others… In a modest corner, an ephemeral witness is hardly chosen by the miracle, but thirsty for this show. PERSEIDS 2001 - CORBASCA CAMP, ROMANIA - by Dan Mitrut - Thanks to those who proved a terrible spirit of astronomical gang, making from this camp a place of friendship, and keeping alive the flame of being close to the clear sky. Remember those nights when we talked about constellations and shouted after meteors… PERSEID THREATENING - by Victor Chifelea - Every year in August I meet roving glowworms of the sky spread in Perseus' mantle. I stay crucified on the cold soil and, hypnotized, I watch the impertinent insects stinging the night's velvet. And every time I'm afraid their pricking could inflame the inert darkness, and we would be sentenced to live a never-ending summer day. PERSEIDS 2002 - by Alexandru Conu - A -8 fireball, and another one of -5. Otherwise, numerous meteors, but not too bright. The greatest show: a Sporadic fragmenting into 3 pieces, and leaving something like a fine powder. Maximum of the maximum… PERSEIDS - by Cristina Slovineanu - We burn and nobody catches us We scream and nobody hears us We dream of immortality That fascinates humanity So we burn, burn and fall To ephemeral destinations Because all we are and all we have, We offer as mysteries PERSEIDS 2002 - by Teodora Plaesu - One hour between two rains… Perseids flying in all directions. I re-lived some of the emotions given by the multicoloured Leonids in 2001, but this time the Perseids persisted in white, blue, green and yellow, some of them with traces, others short and fast. One hour between two rains, and I'm happy I saw many "daughters" of Perseus_ PERSEID MAXIMUM QUESTION (haiku variant) - by Zigmund Tauberg (Romania) - It's August. Is Perseus so upset with all that happens on Earth? PERSEIDS 2003 – FROM THE NIGHT DARK, MY LUNETTE WAS BORN - by Alina Istrate - Hi people! My lunette was born from my artistic fantasy during the Perseid meteor shower, and I named it Nyx. It is ready to serve me all my life because it has become a part of mine. I'll tell you more about its performances in the future. But now I must go to make a composition for the high school. I think I'll write something on the last Perseids, many of them red, pigmented by real fireballs… PERSEID HAIKU - by Ion Moraru - flock of migratory birds crossing the Earth joyously shine once a year PERSEIDS - by Silviu Georgescu - There, somewhere, in the night, an orbital mute screw rends the sky. It seems like the playful daughters of Perseus overturned the family's diamond box. Year after year, indiscreet, we count amazed the inestimable astral treasure. AT THE "PERSEIDS 2004" CAMP, DARMANESTI, ROMANIA - by Alexandru Tudorica - The meteors made me so enthusiastic, that I climbed a big antenna near the camp. But some guardians stopped me and fined me because I wanted to be closer to the sky… NIGHTINGALES OF LIGHT - by Adrian Sima - sometimes I still cry through open windows sometimes I still bleed thinking I am alive all of these are shining incidents and only the slide on cosmic stones is sacred in the song of the nightingales of light which are not but could be PERSEID BLESSING - by Dimitrie Olinici - I built a private observatory in the village of Horodnic-Suceava, in a small isle on a rivulet, where now my grandsons play astronomy with other children. I shall also call some friends with the first Perseid meteor shower, we all together to bless that place… VI. METEORS AND MAGELLANIC CLOUDS MAGELLANIC CLOUDS - by Zigmund Tauberg (Romania) - There are smaller galaxies. In fact, they are cubs of the galaxy Keeping close to their mother. But who is their father? We don't know. Thus, in this space full of storms (From meteors to stars) Even proud galaxies, That cannot be measured in yards, Have bastards. MAGELLANIC METEOR, 2005, OCTOBER 25TH - by Danut Ionescu (Romania / New Zealand) - "…and a star fell at my wedding party…" (from Miorita, the Romanian national myth-ballad) Near the North-East edge of the Greater Magellanic Cloud, a red meteor appeared, about 10-12 degrees long, and disappeared discreetly with a fine powder, like a wonder. Yours, the same "mioritical" from the South, DanutzI SOUTHERN METEORS AND MAGELLANIC CLOUDS - by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (Romania) - A praise to the meteors of the southern hemisphere: Puppid-Velids, Phoenicids, Piscis Austrinids and others. They enrich the noble family of the meteor showers. A praise to the Greater Magellanic Cloud of the constellation Dorado, and another praise to the Littler Magellanic Cloud of the constellation Tucana. Together, they enrich the noble family of the galaxies. But the Magellanic Clouds, masters of the southern sky ceremonies, are so bright, that I'm afraid that Doradid meteor storms and Tucanid meteor storms would never be born! *** OTHER METEOR POEMS Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s Works Alastair McBeath’s Leonids – sort of The Best of SARM - Astro-Photo-Art-Poetry Astropoetic Dramas Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s Moon, Planets, Meteors David Asher & Andrei Dorian Gheorghe Jeremie Vaubaillon’s Poems .html Romanian Comet Contemporary Poetry * * * * * * * * * * * * * Valentin Grigore President of SARM - Societatea Astronomica Romana de Meteori (Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy) CP 14, OP 1, Targoviste, RO-130170, Dambovita, ROMANIA phone: +40 245 213851, +40 0722829034 (gsm) e-mail:, ******************************************************* SARM is the national astronomical society of Romania ******************************************************* ------------- End of Forward Message --------------- ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list Received on Thu 22 Jun 2006 02:27:05 PM PDT |
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