[meteorite-list] Meteorite from Jupiter-- uh, I mean TO Jupiter
From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jun 22 03:26:42 2006 Message-ID: <325.6648ca4.31cba00f_at_aol.com> Chris wrote: <<It is certainly possible to devise entry scenarios where meteorites have unusually large velocities.>> Hola Chris and Sterling, You guys need to attach more numbers to these arguments imo with sensitivity analysis. Concretely, that meteorite in Darren's picture-considering its shape-would be going about 47m/s (105mph), and not less than 40 m/s (89mph) and not more than 60 m/s (134 mph). The worst case is the energy of a fast ball in the company baseball league, though likelyhood is half that. There are lots of ways to throw a fastball and bruise a grandma or loosen old plaster that your fingers can push through anyway. _http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2004-March/139871.html_ (http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2004-March/139871.html) FYI here is a thread I posted to in Mar of 2004 on the subject of speeds of falling meteorites. I don't think there is all that much uncertainty to the practical endpoints of how fast they can hit as terminal velocity is reached easily in virtually all these cases, (the latter which Chris has mentioned). I wouldn't hesitate to catch a baseball sized meteorite in the pocket of a baseball mit, though I am sure that that same falling rock would easily break someone's arm. People can karate chop wood in half with bare hands and the plaster of old homes can really be falling apart, how many of us have put our hands through the wall on ocassion, so I don't see anything odd with the results. People who get punched get bruised all the time, heck, some people get bruises on their butts from just sitting down. Once the misconception is overcome that meteorites have retained cosmic velocity it just becomes a question on how big the rock is and what it hits. An ordinary tale of sticks and stones and bones. I was carrying an iron in the back of my pickup and driving like a demon a while back. Didn't see a dip in the road and there was a rock in the back of my truck. When the truck was back on all fours again, the rock was still at zero g, and now I have this great crater to show for it. They just don't make the tinbed pickups like they used to... Here's the calculations if you want to go through them. A bowling ball sized chondrite (11.25cm radius) weighs less than 23 kg and falls at about 291 mph (130 m/s) (see prior post link provided above). The terminal velocity varies by the sqrt(mass)/sqrt(x-sectional area). So for the same material in a sphere mass increases with r^3 but cross sectional area with r^2. The dependence reduces to simply velocity being proportional to the square root of the radius. Thus a 50 gram sphere = 13.7 cc, r=1.49 cm can fall at 36% of the bowling ball which gives the 47 m/s ball park you're all in. In that email I also checked the practical limits by flattening it to a shield(3.3):(3.3):1 and orienting it in a 3:1 length:diameter ratio and found that the terminal velocity range was 90-130-211 (m/s), in other words 69%(shield):100%(sphere):162%(oriented). That's a range of 1:2.35 from slowest to fastest. Without messing with the radicals since it is late, if we apply the same factors to the 50 gram piece, we see the speed range to hit the guy who though he was going fishing is 32.5 m/s (the speed of a typical baseball fastball but only 30% the energy) on the low end and 76 m/s (a major league record fastball's energy) on the fast end. The energy difference is a theoretical factor of 5 (76/32.5)^2. But those are the real extremes. If we assume they are representing a couple of sigma deviation, everything like the one in Darren's picture is in the 40 to 60 m/s range to bracket the 47 m/s. with reasonably a double whammy packed in the fastest ones vs. slowest in this range. Even after taking into consideration reasonable altitudes (Colorado has a somewhat thinner atmosphere causing the retention of a bit higher terminal velocity...for example, than say New Orleans, and that 10 mph seabreeze, the meteorite that hit that guy would have had a bit less than the energy of a company baseball league fastball's energy. And if it hits old plaster will break some loose, and if it hits granny can break a bone and definitely give a black and blue mark. But if it hits Steve, the Jensens or several other burly collectors out there on the shoulder blade it might actually feel good even before they knew what hit them. Saludos, Doug Received on Thu 22 Jun 2006 03:26:07 AM PDT |
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