AW: [meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - June 3, 2006

From: Martin Altmann <>
Date: Sun Jun 4 21:07:16 2006
Message-ID: <015b01c6883c$06d1b5e0$4f41fea9_at_name86d88d87e2>

The problem are the printing costs for colour pics in good quality for small
print runs.
That would drive the selling price so high, that most collectors wouldn't
agree to buy a copy.

Perhaps you may ask the Killgores, how high the printing costs for their
picture books were, (printed in Korea they were?).
Or Norbert may enlighten us.


-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
[] Im Auftrag von
Alexander Seidel
Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. Juni 2006 14:26
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - June


Gosh, what a little sucker!

Thank you, Michael, for continuing to provide excellent meteorite pics to
our little community.

The pic collection would make a great picture book of meteorites, and I
personally believe, in such a case there would be no real big problems with
the copyrights, since the (mostly private) providers of the pics would
likely agree to have these printed on paper w/o charge, or just a minor
charge, or most likely just a name credit instead - or am I definitely wrong
with my humble estimation in this respect?

Well, then again one of my meteorite friends pointed out to me, that doing a
book project is extremely costly by itself, and the museums use to charge a
substantial amount of money for having pics of their inventory meteorites
published somewhere - even if they are not the pic providers themselves, and
you are using your own private equipment for having pics made of their
treasures instead.

Anyone out there who would like to comment on this or share his or her
experiences with museum curators, or has general experiences with such a

Disclaimer btw: I am not the one either capable of or interested in doing
such a book project, and I ask this just out of mere curiosity, but as a
long-time collector I surely would be a buyer of such a fine book, another
one in a series of very fine samples already available from a bunch of
esteemed authors - y?all know the names, of course. May be I am a bit
old-fashioned, while I still prefer books over digital archives, but then
again there are people like Michael Johnson, who are doing a really
fantastic job here, thanks again Michael!

Berlin/Stade, Germany
Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Sun 04 Jun 2006 09:04:40 PM PDT

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