[meteorite-list] NORWAY meteorite hunt

From: Matson, Robert <ROBERT.D.MATSON_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jul 26 04:22:05 2006
Message-ID: <A8044CCD89B24B458AE36254DCA2BD07A4ECA1_at_0005-its-exmp01.us.saic.com>

Hi Mike,

> Well, it is 12:24 am here in Moss Norway, and I just came up from
> some heavy drinking with a heck of a batch of meteorite hunters. We
> have Robert Ward, Robert Haag, and myself representing the USA.
> Moritz Karl, Alexander Gehler, Rainer Bartowtzewich (sp?) and Thomas
> Kurtz from Germany here tonight.

You're missing a USA representative on site ... perhaps by now you've
crossed paths.

> WE saw many others today and yesterday though, even Poland was well
> represented.

Though a prior team has implied that a Poland team was disrespectful
of private property. Shameful if true.

> None from France, or Austria, or the UK though.

Surprising, indeed. I would have imagined Rob Elliott or one of
the Carions might have made the journey.

> Now, on to the meteorite! It IS A CO, Carbonaceous. NO DOUBT
> unless it gets some wierd exception in classification. So I was
> right, as were many others who guessed CO2 or CO3.

CO2??? You must be drinking some good stuff over there! ;-)
In the face of overwhelming popular opinion to the contrary, I'll
stick to my guns and assume it ISN'T a CO3 until I hear/read otherwise
from someone who has done a formal classification.

Thanks for the up-to-date report from the field! Keep your eyes open
for others from the good old US of A... --Rob
Received on Wed 26 Jul 2006 04:21:53 AM PDT

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