[meteorite-list] Word for "attracted by magnets"

From: Matson, Robert <ROBERT.D.MATSON_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jul 18 20:04:49 2006
Message-ID: <A8044CCD89B24B458AE36254DCA2BD07A4EC64_at_0005-its-exmp01.us.saic.com>

Hi G?ran,

> Paramagnetic? Are you sure you don't mean ferromagnetic?

I guess I was fumbling for a word other than "magnetic" -- a
word that has a different meaning for most people. In the
meteorite community, we all know what is meant when someone
says a meteorite is "magnetic"; perhaps ferromagnetic is the
correct word. What I was looking for was the term that most
closely means "attracted by permanent magnets, but not (necessarily)
attracted to lumps of iron that are not permanent magnets."

Received on Tue 18 Jul 2006 08:04:30 PM PDT

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