[meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite classification guessing game

From: Alexander Seidel <gsac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jul 18 18:37:31 2006
Message-ID: <20060718223527.137790_at_gmx.net>

Being IMCA member #0042 I bet 4242.42 g, and clearly vote
for a general C-type (an 84.42% guess) with a careful 4.42%
side-guess of it being an early H-type and the rest (11.16%)
of it being something else to be clearly resolved "as what
it clearly is" some time later by all the esteemed scientists
and high-end equipment involved. The last word is for them!

> My vote 9999.99 grams
> (becouse Mike will be there :D

My guess: 84.84 $/g if it remains a rather small TKW, 42.42 $/g
if much more is surfaced. Could even go down to 24.24 $/g at the
extremes or less [..though Norway is not Spain or Portugal with
their latest falls..:-)]. Then again it depends on the classification.

Rather high price first, then going down, as more material surfaces,
(..or a complicated situation is generated perhaps in case more dealers
get involved), then prices going up again in the end if TKW remains
rather small and it all gets somehow exhausted...

Interesting news: the donation of the finders of the 2-pounder piece
to the Norwegian state!! Without any refund in any way??? Well, then
again this is Norway and true patriotism! :-)

Berlin, Germany
Received on Tue 18 Jul 2006 06:35:27 PM PDT

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