[meteorite-list] Great news from Polish meteorite area !
From: Marcin Cimala <marcin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jan 30 14:20:37 2006 Message-ID: <001d01c625d2$3fc23590$0300000a_at_polandme2iekcc> Hello list Im sure that most of our US friends are too busy to read list, but to rest of us I have great news from Poland. This news ofcourse are not related to saturday tragedy in Katowice where 67 people was killed on a pigeons fair. Anyway, I want inform everyone about two new finds of old polish meteorites. Tooday is BirthDay of Pultusk Fall, 30 January 1868, 137 years ago ! Find No.1 is PULTUSK Specimens was found by polish meteorite hunter in june and september 2005. He was very lucky to find 4 big specimens (105g, 220g, 245g and 301g) in total of 870g. With help of local people he was able to find area where was a big possibility to locate meteorite specimens. He spend several weeks search suspect locations. Finally his work was rewarded. I have purchased 3 of 4 his meteorites. Inside this specimens are brown, but prof Karwowski from Silesian University settle Weathering Grade only to W1. Meteorites have still fussion crust. They are the biggest Pultusk specimens that was found in ground. Also they are in excelent condition in comparison to other that was found in last 10-15 years. But other specimens was verry small, 10-30grams so they are too small to survivte so many years. All other new finds are located in National Geological Institute in Warsaw, but its only rust in bad condition. http://www.polandmet.com/_pultusk.htm Find No.2 is SEELAGEN In fact its Polish-German meteorite, becouse when it was found, Poland was in Prussian occupation. Right now nearest town is Przelazy and for us this meteorite have the same name. Anyway, every specimen that was found in this location by my friend is melted and shocked by impact. Thompson structures are completly destroyed or heavy damaged. This is excelent visible on etched slices. Right now I have slices from new Seelagen. It is 220g endpiece from 1kg specimen. It looks a little different from my first one, becouse it is less damaged and there are visible Thompson structures, but they are verry stretched and bended. There are also 3 other specimens. Two of them are small complete individuals with etched windows, and one endpiece. Every specimen was cleaned from rust. Iron now have platinium color. Im sure this will make them resistible for rust becouse water cant penetrate rust. http://www.polandmet.com/_seelasgen2.htm -----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]----- http://www.Meteoryt.net marcin_at_meteoryt.net http://www.PolandMET.com marcin_at_polandmet.com http://www.Gao-Guenie.com GSM +48(607)535 195 --------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]-------- Received on Mon 30 Jan 2006 02:20:28 PM PST |
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