[meteorite-list] A Final Opinion
From: Kevin Forbes <vk3ukf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jan 29 10:48:07 2006 Message-ID: <BAY113-F38AFF21FB435695B9C79B999160_at_phx.gbl> Hi, probably the older machines are desirable, because they do not filter out signals from Iron, as well as the new machines do. Iron is what you are in fact looking for. Gold is a tricky metal to detect, its signals and response by most metal detectors falls below Iron, Silver and Copper. A detector that is very responsive to Iron, is just what the doctor ordered(in a meteorite search). Although detectors that are very sensitive to the weak "Gold" can be turned down or off, giving you the best of both worlds, but, you will pay for it. Good luck in your searches. Kevin, VK3UKF. >Dear list, >I have contacted a few meteorite hunters and read through all of the >archives in the list regarding metal detectors. I learned a lot and decided >to look for a White's Goldmaster GM3. In speaking with many of the >reputable dealerships that sell good used models, almost all of them asked >"what is it with meteorite hunters and the Goldmaster detectors"? They >thought the best possible machine to be the White's MXT or GMT. They told >me that these two detectors have automatic ground balancing and an older >Goldmaster without it is a pain in the _at_$$#!!! Well, I figured there is a >good reason why meteorite hunters like the GM3 and may possibly not care >for automatic ground balancing. Maybe the dealers just want to sell a new >machine? I currently have the opportunity to purchase a used GM3 for _at_ >$350.00. A new MXT or GMT goes for twice this amount. Since many of the >posts are older and auto-balancing was not available then, I figured >reaching out to the list again for advice would be >a good idea. > >Thanks, >Ed >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sun 29 Jan 2006 10:48:03 AM PST |
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