[meteorite-list] Term Main Mass

From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jan 19 23:40:55 2006
Message-ID: <20060120044052.38346.qmail_at_web31508.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Well, you may not have 48 different planatery falls.
However you do have 48 individually recogonized and
somehow distinct stones.
Lets say your NWA xxx and xxy are obvious paired
stones and you know that and market it that way. It
would be inappropriate (And argueably fraud) to sell a
piece of xxx and use the xxy name when selling it. And
there would probably be nasty accusations of poor
business practises if somebody else with obviously
paired xxa to sell a piece of that stone as your xxy.
Everybody (At least most people and includes the
meteoritical society) agrees that all 3 stones have a
unique designation that identifies that stone.
Therfore all 3 stones are different (If only on
So all 3 would have a main mass because the term "Main
mass" simply refers to the largest piece of something.
There would be a largest piece of xxx and a largest
piece of xxy. And if xxy is bigger you still couldent
call it the main mass of xxx.
If this is not the case it would be perfectly Ok for
somebody with an obvious paired stone to just sell
something using somebody elses NWA number. The only
reason people dont like doing this is because they
want their stones to be unique.
True, this whole idea sometimes gets out of hand and
silly - good examples being the NWA869 meteorite
classified dozens of times or the umpteen DAG CO3s
(Where they all have different names and in some cases
you even know where in the strewnfield the stone was
found). But the scenario that everybody in the
meteorite community accepts is that each named stone
is unique.
That by defination gives every stone a main mass as
every identified and registered rock has a certain
size and one piece (Which can be the whole stone) is
the biggest piece of something that no other stone can
use the name of.

--- Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi Again,
> If I followed this logic, I would have 48 planetary
> "Main Masses." Yeah for
> me! In reality, we have less than a dozen as far as
> I am concerned. I will
> stick to the what I believe are the rules, the
> largest piece in a known
> pairing series is the only Main Mass.
> Take Care,
> Adam
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