[meteorite-list] 1972 fireball

From: Alexander Seidel <gsac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jan 17 20:02:40 2006
Message-ID: <23336.1137546156_at_www13.gmx.net>

"Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination,
the more you slip sliding away..." :-)

(Paul Simon, of Simon and Garfunkel)


> Steve Arnold 'Cago:
> >I wonder what caused it to go back into space?Any thoughts?
> Based on its trajectory, it only flew through the atmosphere like a fly
> buzzing the face. Right around when it got a good look at Chicago to its
> right
> side, it decided to skip the heck out of there since it still had enough
> energy and wasn't committed around 50 miles high. (seriously, it did) It
> then
> took thirty years to come back with the PF reinforcements.
> Saludos, Doug
Received on Tue 17 Jan 2006 08:02:36 PM PST

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