[meteorite-list] Göran Lindfors again!!
From: Göran Axelsson <axelsson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jan 10 23:05:07 2006 Message-ID: <43C48550.4090106_at_acc.umu.se> Well, I think I'm one of the lucky ones then, the last mail I got from G?ran Lindfors said that I was an amateur and that he would never ever again answer my mails. ...boo hooo, how sad I am... :-) If he still uses the tele2 address I suggest that you all mail his ISP and complain to them directly. They have a web page for reporting abuse. It is all in Swedish (stoopid swedes!) but you could also mail them directly at abuse_at_tele2.se describing the problem in english. If you want to take a shot at the web page, here is short instructions for using the web page: Follow this link: http://www.tele2.se/abuse Click on the "kontaktformul?r" (contact form) and a new window will pop up. The first field is for customers of Tele2, leave it empty. Second field "Din e-postadress f?r ev. ?terkoppling" (Your email address for possible reply) Fill in your email address. Third field, "Vad g?ller ?rendet?" (What's the issue?) Select "Spam" or "trakasserier" (harassment) as you feel. Datum is date, the format is year - month - day hour : minute. Fill in some time you got an email. The last field is "Beskriv kortfattat vad du vill anm?la" (Describe shortly what you want to report) Tell them your complaints. English is okay, virtually everyone in Sweden speaks english. Press "Skicka till Abuse" (Send to abuse). Now you get a "Tack f?r din anm?lan" (Thanks for your complaint) Hopefully they will do something about it. Feel free to ask for more help if you need. Good luck! /G?ran, no not that one Jan Bartels wrote: >Well it seems mr. Moonrock is back!! >Anyone else as well these days received his sick offers? > >Funny that i'm always his dear best friend when he emails. >What a LUNAtic !! > >All the best! >Jan >Holland. >www.heavenlybodies.nl > >Meteorites, >close encounters of the best kind. > > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > Received on Tue 10 Jan 2006 11:10:56 PM PST |
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