[meteorite-list] New Concord

From: Frank Cressy <fcressy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Feb 24 15:15:58 2006
Message-ID: <20060224201555.30413.qmail_at_web80224.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello Mark, Jim, and all,
Mark, interesting that you should mention that in the
NPA's you can find no mention of the New Concord
meteorite hitting or killing a colt or horse. There
is also no mention of that "fact" in Farrington's 1915
"Catelogue of the Meteorites of North America to
January 1, 1915". Farrington devotes nearly 13 pages
to New Concord extensively quoting early eyewitness
accounts. No Equine killing.
As to the stones hitting something, his sources
describes 3 rails of a fence being broken, a decayed
log being completely penetrated by a stone, and a barn
being hit. So it is indeed a hammer. The only
mention of a horse is the following: "One observer
saw a stone fall within 3 feet of his horses head".
So I too am wondering too if the dead colt is real.
Could it have been an insurance scam? ;-)
Received on Fri 24 Feb 2006 03:15:55 PM PST

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