[meteorite-list] ebay auctions and park forest and NWA 2794

From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Feb 22 18:58:36 2006
Message-ID: <20060222235834.93379.qmail_at_web31813.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Hello list.I have a 29 gram slice of ESSEX,CALIFORNIA ending tomorrow
between 10 and 11 am CST,Chicago time.It is currently at $153.On going I
have 6 other as well,some with buy it now.Also as you all know,I am still
looking for more park forest pieces,fragments or individuals.So far I have
gotten a 14.6,22.7 and a 16 gram pieces.But I am still looking for a
little larger pieces.25 to 50 grams.Contact me off-list.Some list members
are hanging on to theirs.Where I thought it was going for $6 to $7 a
gram,I WAS WRONG.It is going for at least $20 a gram.Greg Hupe' is selling
a beautiful new howardite,NWA 2794.My 13 gram slice came today,it is a
beaut.Howardites and eucrites are by far,to me,the most beautiful of all
meteorites.If you have not gotten one yet,do so.You really have to see it
in person.Pictures do not do it justice.

                                  Steve Arnold,Chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
Received on Wed 22 Feb 2006 06:58:34 PM PST

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