[meteorite-list] Fireball Videos

From: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Feb 14 18:37:08 2006
Message-ID: <005e01c631bf$8a223510$6142e146_at_ATARIENGINE>


    Google has a beta of a new Google service:
Video Search at http://www.video.google.com/
Searches for "bolide" and "fireball" produced
nothing of interest (assuming you don't care for
clips of things that "blow up good"!), but a search
for "meteor" produced several clips that actually
were of meteors (out of a lot of junk):


    Disappointingly, all the videos are in a proprietary
Google format; the downloadable player is a cobble
of Macromedia Flash (useless); and I haven't found
any sure way to get to the original source of the clips...

    But you can watch them, at least.

Sterling K. Webb
Received on Tue 14 Feb 2006 06:36:53 PM PST

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