[meteorite-list] Elementary school presentation tips?
From: Larry Lebofsky <lebofsky_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Feb 14 10:42:34 2006 Message-ID: <1139931751.43f1fa672e668_at_hindmost.LPL.Arizona.EDU> Gary: I have been doing this with kids from elementary school up through college for some time. Everyone does this differently since we all have different backgrounds and expertise. Don't be afraid to say that you do not know the answer. This is better than giving them bad information. I am an asteroid scientist so I know a lot (but not everything) about asteroids and a lot less about meteorites. That is a part of why we do what we do: to learn more. 1. Keep it fairly simple (but be prepared for some good questions). You might start out by asking them simple questions about what is in the Solar System. Good chance to feel them out. At this age they may know about Cassini and other recent missions or they might not know there are nine (or 10) planets. 2. Make connections: show pictures of asteroids and meteors. Explain asteroid, meteoroid, meteor, meteorite. 3. LET THEM HOLD THE STUFF (if not too fragile or valuable). If you have an iron (best because it is different), hand it around with an equal-sized meteorwrong. It makes a point. Most other meteorites "look like rocks" so it is difficult for young kids to relate to these coming from space. 4. Have fun, get excited: you may get a few converts to science (or at least an interest in meteorites). Hope this helps. Larry Quoting "Gary K. Foote" <gary_at_webbers.com>: > Hi Everyone, > > Ron Wesel has been gracious to offer some samples of NWS to me for a couple > of class > presentations I will make on meteorites this coming month. I've been reading > all the > books and think I know it all now [HA!] > > Ron and a few others had some good advice [thanks everyone], but I wonder if > anyone else > can offer me some tips on making a good, lasting impression on 8 year olds. > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -- Dr. Larry A. Lebofsky Senior Research Scientist Co-editor, Meteorite "If you give a man a fish, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory you feed him for a day. 1541 East University If you teach a man to fish, University of Arizona you feed him for a lifetime." Tucson, AZ 85721-0063 ~Chinese Proverb Phone: 520-621-6947 FAX: 520-621-8364 e-mail: lebofsky_at_lpl.arizona.eduReceived on Tue 14 Feb 2006 10:42:31 AM PST |
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