[meteorite-list] cash and treasure

From: steve arnold <stevenarnold60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 19:00:03 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <20061228030003.54758.qmail_at_web57802.mail.re3.yahoo.com>

Hello all.I just watched CASH AND TREASURE.The show
that was done by geoff notkin and my counterpart,steve
arnold,IMB.What a fabulous show.They did a great job
on this show.I loved the way they joked and inter
mingled with the host.A fabulous work all the way
around.Also what a nice piece of work by mike
miller,rubin garcia,and I even saw sonny clary in
there.I can tell everyone had alot of fun doing
this.Again a job well done by all.

steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
  Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!

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